Chapitre Trois

39 3 0

큐핏: cupid


Felix stood there awkwardly,he didn't like the tension and he cursed himself cause everything was his fault,he shouldn't have lost his temper. "Are you happy now Changbin? You can't help being an ass huh!" Hannah said,she always find them annoying and the fact that Felix his favorite cousin just lost his temper because one of them was a good excuse to snap at them.

"It's ok Hannah,I'm sorry I should have been careful and look where I go and I'm sorry for insulting you too." He bowed,he didn't liked the fact that everyone was deadly silent and the seemed to juge him quietly too. It was normal,they know each other but he was just some sort of outsider. "I-I'm sorry too I shouldn't have tease you like that. By the way my name his Changbin." He said kinda intimidated by Felix's voice.

"Nice to meet you Changbin. I'm Felix." He smiled and Changbin couldn't help but have a gay panic. Felix's smile was just another way too kill someone. "Felix let me introduce you my second family. You already know Changbin the muscle bunny,the one who looks like a puppy is Seungmin. This is Jisung and Minho,they always stick together and this is Hyunjin,don't mind him he don't do social things." Felix nodded and smiled to them until one of them caught his eyes,Chan didn't introduce this one.

"Who is this cutie there?" He asked while the mentioned blushed hard,he wasn't used to be complimented by a breath taking boy like Felix. "Oh this is Jeongin,he is a bit shy but he will open up. You two can get along easily since you both are in first year."

Felix smiled at him and Jeongin smiled softly too,they will surely get along prettily. "Felix his my cousin,he come from Australia and he get accepted to the same University as us,I thought we could all hang out." Chan explained. But Felix wasn't there anymore,he was long lost into the sharp eyes looking directly at him. He felt ticklish and shy suddenly.

"No! Felix will stay with me,you guys are so weird and I don't want him to be weird like you." Hannah protested,Chan's friend was literally her worst enemy because they used to tease her a lot through the years. They all grew up together,Hannah was just like a sister to them even through they teased her quiet a lot.

"No,I like Felix already." A sudden voice said,he looked up and saw Han right next to him. "He is my new best friend so fuck off Hannah,go do play date with your friends." Hannah scoffed and slap him on his arms before going complaining to Chan who was in conversation with Changbin and Hyunjin.

"Chan told me that you were born one day after me, I take it like a sign from universe,we are soulmate I can feel it." Felix didn't even have to speak,Jisung did all the talk and he just listens to him. It was ok,Felix didn't like to talk much anyway. "Do you speak English? That should sound very attractive with your deep voice."

"Yes I do speak English, I lived to Australia since ever." After sometimes ,Chan called them so they could sit with everyone. Automatically Jisung sat next to Minho who glared at him. He wanted to sit next to Hannah but Hannah was already gone with some of her friends,maybe she took what Jisung said to seriously. So he didn't have another choice than to sit next to Hyunjin.

And when he sat down,he felt a shiver down his spine. He felt oddly uncomfortably comfortable around the black haired boy,he didn't liked the feeling but he wanted to feel it. "H-Hey." He said to the other just to be polite of course,not because he wanted to hear his voice,not at all. But the disappointment was all he had,Hyunjin didn't even look at him.

"Hey Hyung." He heard next to him. He turned and he saw a shy Jeongin who couldn't even look at him in his eyes. "Hyung? I am older than you?" He questioned and Jeongin blushed more cause it was the first time Felix spoke to him directly. "Y-yes you are older than Seungmin and me." "It's normal if you are this cute then,you are the youngest." Felix smiled brightly at him.

Jeongin felt at ease,he was always shy around new people but Felix seemed like a very good guy. "Thank you Hyung,you are cute too." Felix couldn't help but pinch his cheeks,he was too cute and Felix had a soft post for cute person. Yes Jeongin was way longer than him but he still was cute. "I saw that you two quickly get along,Jeongin usually doesn't open up that easily." Chan remarked,happy that Felix slowly had his mark in this group.

"Felix how could you? I just declared you as my bestfriend and you betray me with baby bread?" Jisung dramatically said and that earned some laughs. "I can't help it sorry,Jeongin his so cute. I don't understand how you guys can handle him!"

"You seem to like cute people Felix huh. Your girlfriend must be very cute then." Seungmin teased Felix. "Ahah...I don't have girlfriend but yeah I like being around cute people." Felix answered nervously. He really preferred to be the cute one in the relationship but they don't have to know it. "You say that but among all of us you are the cutest Felix." Changbin said and Felix blushed,he always blushed when someone complimented him.

"T-thank you." He said shyly to which they all laughed. But one didn't laugh,he felt very upset about that compliment Changbin did to Felix. He didn't know why he didn't wanted someone to complimenting him,he didn't liked someone to just look at him. He didn't liked that Felix complimented Jeongin as well,he wanted to be cute too. Why he felt like that was still an unknown reason but he will eventually found out,or else he would just have to lock up Felix in a room so no one bit him can see him.


Good morning!!!
My friend's dog bite me yesterday,and I flight out of their courtyard like I was spiderman...
I love dog,I have three dogs but never in my life a dog bites me... I did nothing tho...

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed this new chapter!! See u next time

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