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  It wasn't until they saw their companions turned into icy slag that the supernatural beings realized what a terrifying existence they had provoked. The strength of this woman in front of them was far beyond their cognition.

  With a casual wave of his hand, he can completely freeze a supernatural being into an ice cube, snap his fingers, and make him disappear into ashes. Is this still a person?

  Even the commander-level extraordinary creatures they encountered before have never given them such a strong sense of oppression.

  For a while, more than 10 people with supernatural powers were in danger, and none of them dared to speak up.

  When Su Jinyu saw the supernatural beings quiet down, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. As soon as she teleported back from Lausanne, she found hundreds of supernatural beings besieging her manor.

  Immediately she guessed that this incident must have been done on purpose, she did not immediately help Chu Yunshan and Huangfu Qing deal with the invading extraordinary creatures, but immediately found the person who caused the riot.

  She really wanted to know who was getting impatient this time and came to her to make trouble.

  She raised her head, and her beautiful cross-eyed eyes swept back and forth on more than 10 supernatural beings, and finally her eyes fell on Zhao Anfu, who was vaguely surrounded by everyone in the center.

  Feeling Su Jinyu's gaze, Zhao Anfu was so frightened that his legs became weak and he fell to his knees with a plop, kowtowing in the direction of Su Jinyu and begging for mercy.

  "Miss Su, please don't get me wrong. I was bewitched by them, and I came here to trouble you as a

  last resort. I was forced." I am a member of the 1st Brigade, I am a good person!"

  Seeing that Zhao Anfu started throwing the blame, the other supernatural beings didn't want to be the ones who took the blame, they all clamored that it was Zhao Anfu who took the lead, and it was Zhao Anfu who tricked them into finding Su Jinyu's trouble.

  It was also Zhao Anfu's plan to provoke the extraordinary creatures nearby to attack Su Jinyu's manor.

  Hearing this, Su Jinyu showed such an expression on her face that she really did. She had already guessed that this group of people must come from a certain organization of supernatural beings.

  She was also planning to find out the identity of the other party, and go to the other party's house as a guest at night, and let Xingyue Titan and Electro-optical Mouse perform acrobatics for them to add to the fun.

  Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Xiao Tuohai's person again!
  This is not the first time these guys have come to trouble her, this time Su Jinyu is going to let the other party calm down a little, lie down and have a good chat.

  She smiled and looked at the more than 10 supernatural users in front of her, and clapped her hands gently, "Okay, your performance is very good, I am very satisfied!" "Now I will

  give you a chance to live, I need a messenger People."

  "Listen clearly, it's one person, you can select it yourself!"

  As soon as Su Jinyu finished speaking, the more than 10 supernatural beings who had gathered together just now scattered in all directions, keeping a certain distance from the people around them .

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