Chapter 41-45

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  Chapter 41 Mission Complete

  "Damn you!"

  Su Jinyu killed Salah and Kamo one after another, completely enraged Mopti. The long spear stabbed at Su Jinyu.

  Su Jinyu knew that Mopti was among the first group of people in Blue Star to awaken their abilities. Like her, she was probably promoted to a junior (intermediate) ability user with dual skills.

  When dealing with Mopti, she was very serious and did not dare to be careless.

  Looking at the spear stabbing towards him, Su Jinyu tilted his body slightly to the left. At the same time, he quickly gathered a long frost sword with his right hand, and swung it sideways, approaching the weak defense point of Mopti's left underarm.

  Squeak -

  There was a sound of fingernails scratching the glass, and Su Jinyu's frosty long sword slashed across Mopti's left armor, leaving a faint ice blue scratch.

  The unfavorable frost and cold air did not have much effect on Mopti, and it also verified Su Jinyu's conjecture that the other party also advanced to the junior superpower (intermediate level).

  Since the two were at the same level, the difference in abilities was not too big, so Su Jinyu couldn't reproduce the previous crushing situation.

  She patrolled Mopti with a pair of peach blossom eyes, silently guessing what type of second skill Mopti had never used.

  "Your strength is not bad, much stronger than your two good-for-nothing brothers, so why not follow me!"

  Mopti snorted coldly, he wasn't those two stupid brothers who were enraged by Su Jinyu's clumsy provocation method, clenched the supernatural spear in his hand, and attacked Su Jinyu again.

  Seeing that the routine failed, Su Jinyu didn't waste any more time. He clenched the ice crystal long sword in his hand, and kept walking around Mopti with dexterous movements, waiting for the opportunity to move.

  Mopti is worthy of being an earth-type supernatural being known for his defense. His defensive ability is very strong. Su Jinyu hit him several times, but only penetrated his body armor without causing substantial damage to him.

  Fortunately, Su Jinyu has very rich fighting skills. During the fight, she found a gap and dodged behind Mopti.

  "Ice creeping technique!"

  Seeing that Su Jinyu finally used this difficult skill, the corner of Mopti's mouth on the other side rose, revealing a smile of successful plotting.

  "Earth escape technique!"

  Just as the ice crystal vines summoned by Su Jinyu drilled out of the ground and were about to attack Mopti, he disappeared strangely.

  Without the slightest hesitation, Su Jinyu immediately placed an extremely cold position around his body with extremely low temperature.

  In an instant, the ground around her was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and the water molecules in the air were also frozen into crystal clear ice crystal particles.

  But even so, her 'Guardian Ring' was activated instantly, and a light blue shield appeared all over her body, defending against sneak attacks from behind.

  Mopti suddenly appeared behind her and launched a sneak attack on her. Unfortunately, the other party didn't know that she had protective equipment to protect her from this attack.

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