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Dahlia tersenyum apabila ayahnya melambaikan tngannya. Evrin cuma tersenyum nipis lalu dia pndng arah lain. he doesnt deserves her.

"okaylah..daddy pergi dulu..Dahlia duduk dngn auntie Sarah baik ii tau..jangan nakal ii.."

Castiel kucup pipi Dahlia berkali ii sebelum akhirnya diberikan kepada Sarah. Setelah itu , dia memasuki kereta kembali.

Castiel menarik tngn Evrin berjalan di sekitar tasik yg luas terbentang itu. Evrin terpegun melihat kejernihan tasik itu. smpai boleh nampak dasar dia.

Tasik yg sama dimana Ethan dan Davian lesap dri dunia.

"Wait here..I wanna go buy something for you."

Evrin akur sahaja lalu dia melemparkan pndngnnya ke permukaan tasik itu. beberapa ketika kemudian dia dpt melihat pantulan wajah seseorng yg bukan dirinya.


Evrin mengerutkan dahinya terkejut. kemudian keluar suatu figur cahaya yg bersinar terang di hadapan Evrin.

"ah so youre my son in law?"


Makhluk itu trtawa kecil lalu dia melangkah dri air itu ke tanah. Perlahan ii , cahaya itu bertukar menjadi seorng manusia.

Evrin terbeliak luas melihat wajahnya.


"omg..you got a quite handsome face.."

Evrin beku di hadapan makhluk itu amat speechless.

"dont tell Castiel that you see me..keep this is our secret."


"I just want to see my son in law..thats all..i heard that you got a daughter?"


"shes not perfect?"

"no..thats not the problem."


"I..failed..as a mother.."

Davian tersenyum nipis lalu dia memegang dagu Evrin.

"And what makes you a bad mother?"

"i hurt her..i abandoned her..so many times.."

"Evrin..sometimes you need to stop thinking about ur childhood..you might scared to take care of her..bcs you know you never get enough love.."

"im scared.. i dont want to lose control again."

"i believe in you. And Castiel believe in you too..if he doesnt , he would already leave you..he loves you so much that even no matter how many times you tried to hurt him , he will always stay and stay.."

"what can i do..?"

"Appreciate the moment you have..because it wont last forever."


Evrin segera menoleh ke belakang cemas. kemudian dia toleh kembali ke hadapan.


"Its still your favourite flowers right?"


"You dont look happy."


"what bother you today?"


"we promised each others not to hide anything."

Evrin diam malas nk bertikam lidah. Bunga Dahlia itu dia peluk dngn erat.



"you still love me right?"

"ofcourses i do..why?"

"you act like you dont."

Evrin mengigit bibirnya lalu dia menoleh pada Castiel.

"Im sorry if i act like i hate you..but never once in my heart that i stop loving you..never. so please dont overthink about it..i still love you.."

Castiel diam tnpa memandng Evrin. dia terus menekan pedal minyak dngn kuat. Evrin melemparkan kembali ke luar tingkap dngn keluhan.


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