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"Do you think there is a vampire version of me?"


"if you found him , which one you will choose?"



"i fell for you. my lover , my husband is a human. the mother of my child is a human. no matter how better the vampire version of you , i rather to choose you."

merah pipi Evrin mendngar itu. wow this mf really know how to rizz. probably from Ethan.

"then how they fall in love?"

"At first , my mother doesnt want to but he didnt have choices..he agreed to get pregnant..as i could remember , i was suppose to have a twin sister..but she died and only me that survived..the second day after i born , my mother left and gone to his world..left my father alone taking care of me."

"hes a bad mother then."

"Hes not..he literally kept the promise..i understand why he left.. i mean..they made a promise..he left after he done his duty."

"then..do they meet again?"

"they did.."

Evrin merenung wajah sayu Castiel. walaupun dihiasi dngn snyuman , tp dia dpt merasakan yg Castiel sedih skrng ni.

"may i know how they died?"

"They tried to protect me."

"from who?"

"the human..and the witch."

"im sorry for what my spesies did to you.."

"its fine..to be honest , i hate human..i wish i can destroy every human the way they did to my parents.."

Evrin mengigit bibirnya serba salah. walaupun dia tahu dia tk ada kena mengena , tp msih serba salah sbb manusia sndiri yg hancurkan semuanya.

"My father died after he finished the witch..he turned into dust when the sun reached his skin.."


"and my mother died too..half dying..his bones and skin turned into dust too.."

"Castiel enough-"

"and he was pregnant.all gone."

Evrin terus mencium bibir Castiel agar dia berhenti bercerita. Castiel memejamkan matanya dngn air mata yg hampir menitis itu.


"i wish i could tell you how lonely and..painful it was..i was left alone..knowing that they both were dying but i couldnt do anything..im sick of it..not being able to save them..nor help them..all i could do was crying..crying..and keep crying..hoping that it was all a dream.."

Evrin menyeka air mata Castiel memujuk suaminya agar bertenang.

"it hurts..Cast.."

"it will be okay..im right here..just look in my eyes.." Pujuk Castiel smbil mengenggam erat tngn Evrin lalu pipi Evrin dicium lembut.

"Aaagh! Fuck it i hate this..i hate this..Cast!!"

"you need to push sir..the baby will get suffocated..!"

"Im scared..Cast-"

"shh..shh..Focus on my voices..when i count to 3..push..Okay? close ur eyes.."

Evrin pejam matanya rapat lalu Castiel merapatkan wajahnya dngn Evrin.

"deep breath..One.."

"hold my hand tightly..two.."


Evrin merenung bayi yg berada di pahanya itu tk percaya. matanya berkaca dngn dada yg sesak.


"put it away from me."



Segera Castiel mengmbil bayi trsebut takut Evrin melemparkannya. Evrin terus berbaring dn menyelimutkan dirinya dngn air mata yg deras mengalir. Castiel mengetap bibirnya dngn dada yg sebak.

"Evrin..even if shes not perfect..shes still our child."


Castiel akur lalu dia keluar dri ruangan itu bersama bayinya.

"Castiel..takkan kau nk buang baby tu-"

"who said aku nk buang? tu anak aku..aint no way i will throw her.."

"then whats the problem?"

"Evrin..he..seems..like he hates her.."

"He probably still in shock.he needs time..just be calm and give him space to accept her fully."

"im afraid..what if he doesnt want to accept her?"

"even if he doesnt want to , he need to realize..she is his child. no matter what..how imperfect she is , how unlucky she is..hes still the mother."

Castiel merenung bayi tersebut sayu. dia menyentuh tangan kiri bayinya yg tidak sempurna itu sebak. hancur hatinya bila tngok reaction Evrin. sehina itu kah bayi ini dimatanya?

Castiel memeluk bayi itu smbil teresak ii memikirkan cara agar Evrin menerima bayi ini.

"i will make sure he will accept you..my little princess..you will be always my flower."

"Honey can you hold her-"

"no." laju sahaja Evrin menolak tnpa menoleh sedikit pun. Castiel terdiam habis dngn riak tak percaya. wow benci sungguh.

tak mahu memaksa , Castiel terus mengangkat beg bagasi itu ke dlm bonet kereta smbil sebelah tngnnya mendukung Dahlia yg nyenyak tertidur itu.

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