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"eat slowly.." Castiel menyuapkan makanan yg baru dipanaskan itu ke dlm mulut Evrin. Evrin menelannya walaupun dia rasa ingin muntah. this kind sickness makes him mad.

"agh shit..i hate this so bad..is this what every pregnant person had to go through? i hate it.."

"be patience.."

"Be patience? huh? DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW IM FEELING NOW?!" Lantang suara Evrin terhadap Castiel buatkan Castiel terdiam.

Evrin terus menampar wajahnya kesal sbb tertinggikan suara pada Castiel.

"shit im sorry..idk why im being too emotional today..i couldnt control my emotions..everything is suck..im sorry."

Castiel angguk faham smbil tersenyum nipis.

"Well..i understand ur pain Evrin..its not that easy to bring a soul in your belly..its my child..our child..no matter how worse it is , we will go through this together..i promise."

Evrin mengeluh smbil bersandar ke bahu Castiel. Castiel mencium pipi Evrin lembut memujuk hati Evrin.

"Come on..eat a little bit more.."

"i feel sick.."

Castiel menepuk belakang Evrin perlahan.


wedding diorng tk seperti yg mereka harapkan , Evrin mmg badmood habis sbb sickness dia. mmg tk enjoy la we.

Evrin menolak pinggan yg tk bersentuh lngsung sarapannya kesal.

"Why you dont eat?"

"i dont feel like it."

"Honey you didnt eat from yesterday..eat please-"

"i feel sick..its annoying."

"please..you will get sick-"

"already..whatever im going to sleep."

"no. sitdown."

Evrin terduduk kembali akibat tolakan ajaib dri Castiel.


"dont you understand? i fucking cant!"

Castiel mengeluh penat lalu dia bangun kemudian waffle itu diambil. dia gigit sedikit waffle itu lalu dikunyah kemudian bibit Evrin dicium.


"Do not spit it." halang Castiel mengelakkan Evrin dri meludahkan kembali waffle itu.

Evrin menelan waffle itu walaupun msih terkejut dngn perbuatan mengejut Castiel. Castiel tarik kerusi dan duduk di hadapan Evrin.

"i will do anything just to make sure you eat."

"you insane."

"call me insane , i dont care. all i care is you and this child." Castiel mengigit lagi waffle itu lalu dilakukan benda sama. he knows Evrin wont say anything if berkaitan dngn Castiel.

Evrin memejamkan matanya terasa ngantuk pula kan berendam dlm tub panas ni. tiba ii dia craving pula sentuha  Castiel. not only gave him tons of sickness , dia punya horny makin double. Evrin segera bangun dri tubnya lalu dia mngmbil tualanya dan keluar dri situ.

Langkahnya laju menuruni tngga lupa seketika yg dia pregnant.

ditujunya ke arah sofa yg diduduki oleh Castiel yg sedng leka membaca buku itu.


"yes honey? youre done?"

Castiel menoleh ke belakang dngn snyuman. Evrin menjatuhkan tualanya tepat di hadapan Castiel. Castiel terkedip ii cuba memproses maksud Evrin.

Dia tutup buku , lantas bangun dri sofanya.

"i need it."

"fine..i'll do it gentle since youre pr-"

"I want it rough. do it rough. dont give a fuck about it. Even if i say it hurts , keep going." potong Evrin yakin sementara Castiel sudah tertawa smbil menggeleng.


Dia menyentuh baby bump trsebut smbil trsenyum suka.

"ur baby bump is cute..are you sure?"


"I hope the baby wont see it."

"Ahh soo Evrin is getting emotional and have few sickness lately?"

"yea..Sometimes dia suka marah..sometimes horny sometimes..idk..hes literally always mood swings.."

"Biasalah tu orng pregnant..Each person mmg different cara mood swings diorng..but yea..hes very lucky to have a partner like you..not all can handle this kind of problem."

"what do you mean?"

"i heard that few people divorced because they couldnt handle their partner..shit went crazy lol!"

terdiam Castiel mendngar itu. lol divorced sbb tk boleh tahan?

what a bullshit excuse for a loyal person like Castiel.

"i heard pregnant people loves sweet and sour stuffs..mybe you should buy him those. it will help him with his emotions."

"ah..i see..thanks."

"where did you get these?" tnya Evrin hairan tngok sekotak donut di hadapan matanya.

"I just walked by a new cafe that sells donut..i think you would like it."

Evrin terus duduk di hadapan Castiel lalu ditarik kotak itu teruja. Castiel tersenyum melihat Evrin yg kelihatan happy itu.

"wanna hear a story honey?"

"what is it?"

"its how my parents met.."

"tell me."

"my mother accidently fell into a universes machine and he met with my father..at first my father just want to use him but actually theres another version of my mother in this world..sadly he died while pregnant..so my father asked my mother to get pregnant. as the payback , he will send him back to the his real world."

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