No matter what he said, Cora knew it was all her fault, she shouldn't have said she wanted to pee, then Enzo wouldn't have sent the woman.

Infact she shouldn't have been here in the first place for her to need saving, if only she knew how to defend herself, she would have fought hard when that man came for her in her room.

But no, she was completely useless, no skill, just shy, naive and stupid.
Now a woman's dead because of her.

Ivan knew how much she was beating herself up for whatever happened at the ball, he pulled away and cupped her face making her look at him

"Look Cara, whatever happened at the ball, it's not your fault, whoever my cousin killed, it isn't your fault, stop blaming yourself" he tried to reassure her but she wouldn't stop crying and it wrenched his heart to no end.

He pulled her close to his chest and rested his chin on her hair, stroking it gently, his mind occupied with her tears.

After a few minutes he could hear her snore lightly, she'd fallen asleep, he looked at her sleeping figure, her lips slightly parted as sweet sounds came out from it.

Her face looked beautiful, even though she'd been crying and her make up was ruined, she still looked beautiful.

He left her to go get a bucket of water and towel to clean off the dried blood on her face and chest.
He returned and started cleaning it off, she stirred in his arms.

The fact that she'd been crying because Dimitri killed someone should be an indication that she was in fact, not Cara.

A killer and a trained assassin would never have that reaction of someone being killed.
The girl right here, was in no way a killer or even an assassin.

But who was she?


He was angry, agitated and pissed off, Lorenzo tried to take her, he tried to rescue her.
Did he think he was stupid enough to fall for the trick??

He didn't want to kill the girl in bathroom but he needed to send out a warning to Lorenzo to never mess with him, there was a reason he was one of the most feared Don in the mafia.

He drank down the last whiskey before his phone started ringing, bringing him out of his thoughts.

He looked at the screen and saw the name flash on it, it was Tatum

He picked it up and held it close to his ears
"Tatum" he muttered

"Dimitri where'd you go man, one minute you were in the hall and the next you disappeared" he breathe out

Dimitri just pinched the bridge of his nose

"Something came up, I had to leave for Russia immediately" he voiced out, the line was silent for a few minutes before he heard shuffling from the other side

"Does it have something to do with the blonde we found shot dead in the bathroom"? He asked, so they'd seen her body, well good for them "She was one of De Luca's, I told you man no killing each other" he voiced out his frustration but of course, Dimitri didn't care, he'd kill who he wanted, when he wanted.

"He crossed the line when he tried to take her from me" he gritted out talking about Cara.

Tatum would never understand why Dimitri had her in the first place, why her??
Did he do it to agitate Lorenzo or just because he wanted the best on his team.

He breathe out before speaking again, the last thing he wanted to be on the bad side of Dimitri

"I just wanted to know where you are man, I'll talk to you later" he murmured before the line goes dead.

He sighed out moving his eyes to the screen of his laptop, the camera in the basement was what was on the screen.

He'd asked Sasha to disarm the bomb in her, it was no longer active, with or without the detonator, it wouldn't go off.

He had been watching her cry since he locked her in, he didn't really understand why tho, she was one of the most heartless people he'd come across, coming from him that was a lot but here she was crying because he killed just one woman.

This was someone that'd killed a lot of people, women, men, children and even old people, so what was the fuss about?

Right now Ivan was yet again down there with her, he was cleaning off the blood stains on her body and face.

He didn't really like the fact that of all the women in this world, his cousin chose her.
The one woman he can kill without remorse.

He'd never seen Ivan care about anyone like he care about Cara, not even her.
This was a part of Ivan he has never seen but here he was showing it because of Cara, a married woman, wife of Lorenzo De Luca.

What is so special about you Cara De Luca?
He thought to himself as he watched his cousin tend to her.

Double update guyssss

Untamed (A mafia story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें