Chapter 1: Moving Back to Square One

Start from the beginning

    "I remember you," she said to him, wiping away the small trail of ink now running down her forehead from the blow. "The sightless one. I see you survived the city falling." Ezra stared in her general direction.

    "You'd be surprised how much I've lived through despite seeing absolutely nothing," replied the blind Octoling nonchalantly. Maya lifted herself off the ground. "Some see it as a disability. As for me? I see in many ways not using my eyes." Ezra pointed at his eyes.

    "I don't care about how you see the world," snapped Maya. "But you're about to see the afterlife!" She ran at him with the pocketknife.

    "No!" yelled the leader Octoling known as "Number 7," throwing his Splatana aside and charging at Maya. The two wrestled on the ground for control over the pocketknife. Number 7 grabbed Maya's wrists as the Inkling pinned him down. Maya's knife hand broke free of the Octoling's grasp and slashed at his face, just grazing his eyebrow. Number 7 yelled and kicked her off, and the pocketknife went flying out of Maya's grip, landing by the Octoling's hand. He grabbed it and leapt on Maya, whose life was now clearly starting to fade due to her untreated tentacle wound. Maya grinned.

    "Go ahead. Do it." She stared right into Number 7's eyes. "Get your revenge. Watch the light fade from my eyes." Maya began laughing manically. "Just as I did with your mother's!" Number 7 screamed, enraged. He lifted up his knife hand and-

SHING! Sheldon stabbed the knife he had been using to cut sushi rolls with into Ammo Knights work counter and wiped his brow. Jewel and Derek, two Inklings he employed, startled by the loud noise.

"Sorry, kids," apologized the horseshoe crab, pulling the knife out and studying the new gouge. "Don't know my own strength." Sheldon turned to the Inklings. "Shop's opening about an hour - Jewel, Derek, how's the polishing going?" Jewel and Derek held up the Splattershots they were working on.

"Almost done, these are the last two," replied Jewel.

"Never thought we'd be stuck here in Inkopolis at the shop while Maya's in Splatsville," said Derek.

"She gets to go on the exciting mission while we watch the shop," Jewel added, giving the Splattershot one last rub with the polishing cloth. Sheldon frowned.

"I know you two are disappointed you couldn't go with Maya," he began. "But Maya's had more experience, and this was a dangerous mission. She didn't want you two getting hurt." The Inklings went back to examining the Splattershots one last time while Sheldon finished up the sushi. The shop door opened and the bell rang.

"Sorry, we're not open yet-"

"Kids," began a voice that stopped Sheldon mid-sentence. The horseshoe crab and the Inklings turned to the direction of the voice - Marie of the Squid Sisters, who was there with her cousin Callie. Both were dressed in very casual outfits to keep them from their fans' eyes. Marie stared right at Jewel and Derek.

"We need to talk."

Their day had just begun and now their lives were turned upside down. Jewel and Derek sat on a bench in the Plaza of Inkopolis City, heads down, contemplating the news they had just gotten. Maya, their leader and mentor, was dead. Killed by Octolings. Now the two Inklings had what little belongings they had packed up in a pair of suitcases and a pair of backpacks. Sheldon came out of his shop, sticking a piece of paper that said "CLOSED FOR TODAY, SORRY FOR INCONVENIENCE" to the door before locking up the shop and slowly walking over to the Inklings. He hesitated before speaking.

"You two got everything you need?" he asked. Derek gestured to the suitcases and backpacks wordlessly. " that really everything?" Sheldon frowned.

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