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Emily Lewis

I walk off my plane, the smell of sweat and grumpy tired people in the airport. I turn my head to the side and look around, sleeping people, angry people, flight has been delayed people, and happy to be off a plane people. Thank god I won't be smelling it or seeing anyone any time soon, at least not until the summer ends.

I walk over to the baggage claim area and I look for my bags. When I get ahold of my bags I reach my hand towards my back pocket and pull my phone out, It scans my phone and I use my thumb to swipe it up and open it. I open the Uber app and look at how far my Uber is. I walk outside the airport pulling my suitcase and carrying my bag with me while multitasking and looking at my phone watching the Uber arrive at its destination; me. I look up and see the Uber and head over to the backseat, The Uber driver gets out of the car and takes my suitcase and bag, and putting it in the trunk, I take my backpack off and get in the car placing my backpack next to me.

The Uber gets inside the car and starts to drive to my dad's house. I'm visiting my dad and brother during the summer, my dad paid my mom money for me to come out here and still had to pay for the price of the flight and Uber. I offered to pay half but he refused to take my money. He didn't want me taking extra shifts from my side job he told me he had a stable bank account and could get me here himself; even after the fight I put up.

After about a 1 hour and 50-minute drive, my Uber driver parks in front of a nice luxurious apartment.
I mean I wasn't surprised it was gonna be fancy, but damn. from the outside it looked like a mansion, I can't wait to see the inside. and to also surprise my brother and dad that I came a week early, well my dad knows - kinda because he had to pay for the flight and stuff but my brother has no idea I'm here and I can't wait to surprise him. I made sure he was home by texting him pretending to know what I wanted to know what he was doing and he said he was home with his teammates. kinda nervous to see his teammates but happy to see Jordan.

I get out of the car dragging my backpack with me, I put one of the backpack straps around my shoulder as the Uber driver gets out and grabs my bags from the back. He hands me the bags and I thank him, he nods his head. I pull out my mini wallet from my back pocket take a 20 out and give it to him smiling. He smiles and mouths Thank you and I nod my head, I start heading to the apartment door and wave goodbye to the Uber driver.

I typed the code in while looking at my dad's text, 2649. I walk inside and close the door behind me, A man walks to me.

"Hi ma'am how can I help you on the nice afternoon?" he smiles.

"Hi, can you locate Mr. Lewis's apartment please?"

He laughs and shakes his head. "Everyone is mistaken about that, do you mean floor?" my eyes widen and my jaw drops. I close my mouth and make my face look normal again. he grabs my bags and I thank him and he escorts me to my dad's "floor" I guess?

The elevator stops and asks for a code, The guy types it and the elevator doors open and I see a bunch of boys sitting at the end of the couch I see my brother and I smile. I run up and hug him from behind, his neck slowly turns and he looks up at me. He gasps and jumps up, making me lose my grip on him and he turns around and hugs me.

"What the hell are you doing here Emily!?" he smiles and kisses the top of my head making some of my orangish red hair fall in front of my face.

"um, who the fuck is Emily??" I snap my head towards the blonde skinny guy who said it.

"dude it's my sister!" Jordan said

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