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Haerin POV:

"Hey" Hanni comes from behind me

"Hi Hanni" She takes a seat beside me.

A couple months have gone by since he left, 7 months to be exact.

A lot has happened since then, a company noticed us regarding our dancing and singing skills and wanted to give us an opportunity. We're currently in progress into debuting as a group! Who would've thought this would happen. I'm pretty excited for what's bound to happen since I love singing, but I some things have been holding me back from expressing that excitement.

"You eating properly?" Hanni has been taking care of me since then. I wouldn't eat properly and she'd scold me because of that.

"I've had 2 meals so far and a couple of snacks, I'll have dinner soon."

"Good!" Hanni exclaims, I smile but sigh afterwards.

"Still thinking of him?" Hanni asks

"When haven't I?" I couldn't help but feel hurt. He was the person I relied on after all.

"I think it's about time you let him go Haerin. Yes I don't agree with him leaving at all, but maybe it's to teach you to stand on your own two feet. To be more independent from then on."


"Haerin do you think we don't miss him as well? Do you think we were happy by his decision? Hyein just got him back after a long time of not seeing each other and now he's gone, think about how she feels as well." I couldn't help but let a tear fall from Hanni's words

"The most we can do is wait for him to accept himself Haerin, come on we have to go now, our company is waiting for us."

I tug onto Hanni's arm as we make our way.

"Hey girls, come on in" We're having a meeting with the CEO regarding our group. Since we're in the process of debuting, we're going to be going under some new things.

"Now that you're all here, I just wanted to say regardless of your decision, I'll continue to support whatever paths you guys take, now let's begin. Don't worry, this meeting won't take any longer than 5 minutes."

"Firstly, you all will be living under the same roof starting later this week. In order to construct a good group, we want all members to be comfortable and close to each other. Secondly, you'll be under some tough training, but I can ensure you it will pay off in the end. Lastly, it's not confirmed yet, but you'll be debuting around July or August, depending on how our plans pull through. Any questions?"

"Nope!" The girls yell out, I simply nod.

"Also! You guys need a manager, I thought I'd look into that bit earlier this month and I think I found the perfect candidate. I'll set up a meeting with you and him later this week as well."

Minji raises her hand.

"Yes Minji?"

"Is he nice?"

"He's a very kind and organized individual. I'm sure you all will like him. Although he is a bit young so feel free to smack him if ever!" We all chuckle, Minji sighing in relief.

"That's it for this meeting, I'll see you guys in a bit. Remember to drink your recommended intake of water and have proper meals!" The CEO sends us off.

"A very kind and organized individual. He is a bit young..." I silently mutter to myself. There's a small part of me 


"AHH" I yell after Hyein snuck up behind me


"How are you going to greet me like that as if you didn't give me a heart attack?"

"You were lost in your thoughts, I simply brought you back to reality" she smirks

"You're so full of yourself Hyein"

"Yet you still love me to death"

"mhm" I smile, Hyein is a younger sister that I would've never wanted, but here we are now.

"Hey Hyein."


"Do you ever wonder what Y/N would be doing right now?" She pauses, but puts on a soft smile.

"He'd be working on himself as an individual for sure. When you told me what he said before he left, I knew for sure he's not only doing it for us, but for himself as well. He isn't the type to bluff like that." I look at her as she continues

"I'd love to see him again as well Haerin, but the most I can do is give him the space he needs." She smiles wider

"So if you were to see him again, if we were to see him again, what would you do?" I ask her

"I'd probably kick him as hard as I can, but hug him afterwards. At the end of the day, he was my role model. He taught me everything he knew, helped me when I was feeling down, etc. He's practically an older brother to me." All I could do is chuckle at her response, it's cute.

"How about you Haerin? I'm sure it won't be easy for you. You've openly stated you hate him since the day he left, but we all know you still love him." She's not wrong. All I could do back then was blame him for feeling so hurt.

"I... I don't know Hyein.." I really don't. How can I even look him in the eye.

"All I'll say Haerin is don't hate him forever. I know he still loves you as well. Take your time, we'll always be there for you if ever okay?" Hyein pats my back

"Thank you Hyein, for everything."

"Of course Haerin, if he hurts you again just let me know. I'll beat him up!" I laugh

"Okay" We laugh together.

sacrifice | Haerin x Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin