2. farewell

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Haerin POV:

"Haerin-ah! Y/N! Come downstairs!" 

what do they want now...

Just as I make my way to the stairs, of course Y/N has to open his door at the same time. What does that mean? We bumped into each other

"Ow" "Ow"

we both respond from the small shock

"A-ah, sorry Haerin"

I rub my forehead

"It's fine don't worry about it"

We make our way downstairs to be greeted by my parents waiting at the front door with their belongings

"We'll be heading out now, Y/N, take good care of Haerin for me?" my dad asks Y/N

"I'll try my best" Y/N responds

My mom comes and hugs me

"Be a good girl for me okay?" she says to me with a soft and gentle tone

"Of course mom, I'll be just fine"

The second my parents leave, I'm hit with an awkward atmosphere between me and Y/N, maybe I should break the ice?

"Y/N" I call out


man what now.


"you know how to cook?"

"yeah why"

"can you make me a meal, it's nearing dinner time"

are you serious? she can't cook for herself?

"just make it yourself" I try to go upstairs to my room



"I'm too lazy" she replies

lord save me.

"fine, what do you want"

"Alfredo Pasta, that's easy enough right"

"that's one of the easiest in the book, although can you give me a tour of the kitchen? I arrived like a 30 minutes ago so I don't know where anything is."

I have no clue where a single thing is located, yet she wants me to cook? 

"Ya sure, follow me"

I follow her to the kitchen and began to show me around. I have to admit, it's extremely organized, I'm sure I won't have a problem looking around for anything

"And that's pretty much it, you good now?"

"Yeah sure, give me half an hour, I'll call you down when it's ready-"

As I begin to get ready, she cuts me off

"Nope, I'm gonna sit right here and watch you."


"pressure much?"

"I mean like what I said earlier, what if you burn down the entire house?"


I gather all the ingredients and begin to cook

Haerin POV:

I didn't expect him to cooperate, now he's cooking right in front of me. He's seems way too focused, should I talk to him? I don't know where I'm getting all this confidence from, but I don't know, I feel a little comfortable?



"what school you go to?"

"I don't go to school."

what? my bodyguard's a dumbass?

"what do you mean!? you don't have a proper education?"

"It's not like I could afford it, I lived off my uncles allowance and I thought it'd be better put towards Taekwondo than school, it's not like school teaches you about the real world anyways. I learned about the real world myself, no teacher needed. I practically sacrificed my education for Taekwondo, but I can just search things up on Google."

"Well what about your parents?"

"They're dead Haerin. Since I was 8."


I don't know what I'm feeling, some sort of pity? I didn't realize he went through all of that. Just that question alone engulfed us into yet another awkward atmosphere. 

"Don't feel sorry or anything, it's all in the past. Your pasta is done just let me plate real quick." Y/N reassures me.


I don't like how I'm getting emotional now. Out of all the times, why now? Why'd she have to ask that. My parents were the same as hers, business people, but they died in a car accident. Now I'm under my uncle's care, who's unfortunately a drug addict. I guess my only escape was Taekwondo? Well I think I lashed out on the kids too much so here we are now. Oh right, the pasta. I get the plate ready and quickly serve it to Haerin. She takes a bite.

"How's it taste?"

"it's actually pretty good, where'd you learn to cook?"

"Self taught, my asshole of an uncle didn't do shit so I had to do everything on my own. By the way, is there any schedule that I should follow?"


"Man swallow your food first."

"Yeah, my parents left a schedule in your room somewhere, I think in your desk?" she continues to eat

"Okay, I'll go to my room now-"






"cause I said so" Haerin stares directly into my eyes, like a sad kitty

if it weren't for those sad eyes, I would've just left

"fine" I take a seat beside her

Haerin POV:

nom nom nom nom nom

I have to admit, this guy can cook for sure, it feels a bit off though since I forced him to stay.



"Tomorrow I'm back to school again, I leave at 9am and get home by 3pm, until then don't do anything silly while I'm gone okay? I don't wanna see firefighters by our home" I jokingly say

"I said I won't burn the house down! You even saw me cook!"

"Yeah yeah whatever" I chuckle. I finish my food and clean the dishes

maybe he isn't so bad afterall?

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