10. past

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Y/N POV 2020:


I'm standing in the middle of many bodies, the floor is practically a blood bath

"Don't get in my way Hyein. These bitches keep making fun of my parents"


"pftt, no its not" I grab another person

"p-please... i'm s-sorry.." 

"shut the fuck up" I body slam them into the ground

Hyein grabs my arm and slaps me

"PLEASE STOP... Please...." She begins to cry

Y/N POV present:


I suddenly wake up and gasp


another bad dream.

"Don't trust anyone Haerin... Even your closest ones"

what was that bitch trying to say...

"Y/N!" Haerin comes barging into my room

"Are you okay?! What happened?" She quickly runs to my bed and checks up on me

"H-Haerin-ah. what time is it?" 

"You took a nap, it's 5pm right now. Did you have a bad dream?" She seems concerned as she softly massages my hand. 

wait what? why is she so concerned?

"Y-yeah, it was pretty bad" I try to laugh it off.

"Hmm i'll leave you alone for now okay? Call me if you need anything" she gives me a quick tight hug and leaves the room.

I really need to let this off my chest.

I decide to dial Hyein


"what's good dumbass" Hyein never fails to deliver the most braindead phone call openings!

"Hey Hyein, wanna meet at the park in a bit?"

"What's the special occasion? Miss me so much?" She teasingly says

"shut the fuck up. I-I" I pause before continuing

"I wanna talk about the past, I need to let it out"

This sentence alone engulfed the call into a long silence

"About time you wanna let it go eh?" Hyein breaks the silence

"I don't want to endanger Haerin, if I wanna do that then it's best I remove any grudges"

"good choice Y/N! I'll be at the park in 10. Be there or you turn into a square or however that saying goes"

"shut up dumbass, you're annoying"

"yet you can't stop loving me"

I hang up

I get ready and attempt to leave the house

"ahem..." I turn around to see Haerin crossing her arms

"would you like to tell the class where you're trying to go to?"

"can i use the washroom"

"it's may" 

"no it's August" she sighs as I give that response

"You hang out with Hanni too much, I'm just going to meet Hyein at the park" I say as I unlock the door

"Okay! Have fun" She gives me a hug 

"Bye Haerin, call me if ever"


I arrive at the park to see Hyein sitting on a bench

"Yeah take your SWEET time Y/N"

"I'm like 15 seconds late relax" I take a seat beside her

"so, why the sudden change?" 

"I may or may not have scared Haerin the other day"

"how so?"

"I beat up the bullies that usually bother you guys"

"ohhhh, no wonder they stopped bothering us"

"Yeah, except it was really bad. It reminded me of that one time a few years back."

"Don't even remind me! You were such an asshole" She slaps my arm

I laugh back 

"sorryyy, we're lucky our instructors stopped me"

"How was that even considered a warning??? Your 2nd warning my ass you should've gotten kicked out!" Hyein yells out, I laugh

"I was their best student, it's not like they wanted to let me go that easily"

She chuckles, following that up with a sigh

"Well? What'd you wanna talk about"

"How do I let that all go. I've been having way too many nightmares since that day"

"Well that just means you've matured Y/N. You clearly learned your faults and this is just a small consequence you have to pay for the things you've done" I understand where she's coming from, I mean I basically traumatized her

"Also just take it slow, you have us remember? If you're feeling overwhelmed with emotions, then come to us. Especially Haerin, I'm sure she wants to spend more time with you anyways." Haerin?

"Yeah Haerin" what? can she read my mind?

"Nope" what.

"But yeah Haerin. Have you not noticed her lately? She's always clingy and affectionate towards you." 

"Well yeah but isn't that in her nature? She's a quiet introvert that likes to cling onto others." I curiously ask

"She tends to cling onto people that she loves the most."

is that so? so if I were to-

"Yup! I'm sure if you were to initiate a hug instead of her, she'd go crazy." can't read my mind my ass

"I really can't. Anyways I need to go home for dinner, I'll see you later Y/N!"

"Okay Hyein. Bye bye!" As I walk away, she says one last thing

"Y/N, take your time yeah?"

"Of course, thank you Hyein."

"I really fucking hate you, but I got your back" She gives me a small hug. 

"I hate you too" I laugh

"bye bye"


As I walk back home, I finally understand. I just need to fight through this, it'll all go away naturally. As I ponder about my thoughts, I arrive home.

"I'm home!"

"Y/N!" Haerin quickly gets up from the couch

"Miss me that much?" I tease her

"N-No... What are you talking about?" 

Instead of anything, I think about what Hyein said

"I'm sure if you were to initiate a hug instead of her, she'd go crazy."

I decide to test that theory and I pull her into a hug

"You stuttering says otherwise"

I can only see the top of her head, but I can see her blushing madly just from her ears.

"s-s-shut up!" I laugh and and tighten the hug

"Let's stay like this for awhile? I feel my stress slowly leaving my body" I say

"ya, I like it like this" she tightens the hug even more

I guess Hyein was right, I don't regret doing that at all.

sacrifice | Haerin x Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant