"Like what you see?" Natasha asked when he was looking around at the garden and balcony.

"Absolutely" Justin said with a small smile.

Natasha didn't mind talking more, in fact a part of her wanted to, but she didn't want to seem clingy.

"See you later" She said with a sad smile and went inside her room.

"Yeah, See you later" Justin said, his eyes still fixed on the garden below.

Now she felt she was rude. Either ways it would have been her fault she thought and sighed.


"So kids!" The instructor said.

The crowd groaned.

"Okay, sorry, So Teens"

The Crowd cheered.

"As you all know this is the introduction night. It is your first night here! So everybody introduce yourselves. Your name, school, hobbies, likes, and anything you want to add" The instructor said. He looked a bit younger than the one at the airport, his name tag read "Mark"

"Okay so make a circle everyone"

As the teens made a circle he pointed at the girl in front of her told her to start.

"Hey guys, I am Emma. I study in 'Elite high school' I love to dance, I Love fashion and clothes." She said in a bubbly manner.

After 16 more introductions, it was Jane's turn.

She was wearing her black net crop top, with a black crop camisole and blue ripped shorts.

She confidently said "Hello, I am Jane, from 'Eneath High School' I love to sing, I also like organizing things and dressing up"

Next was Natasha. She finally agreed to drop the idea of wearing pajamas after Jane pleaded for quite a while. She was wearing black jeans and a black and gray striped sweatshirt. She was a bit nervous at first, she was shivering, due to the cold wind as well as the nervousness. But she didn't care about people's opinion, or so she thought. Though she fumbled a bit at first, she managed to give a small introduction. "I- I am Natasha from Eneath High School" She finished off quickly.

When Mark asked in a friendly manner about her hobbies and likes, all the attention was on her. She was very uncomfortable. Her eyes met with the familiar, soothing gray eyes but she averted her gaze quickly and looked down, sighed looked up looking a bit more confident than before and said " I like to sketch" She smiled at Mark.

After a few people, it was Justin's turn he said in a very charming way "Hello girls! I am Justin, from Eneath high school, I like sports and umm...Girls!" He earned giggles at the last part and he winked.

Besides him was her so-called girlfriend. She was wearing a strapless translucent beige crop top which gave a peek of her purposely worn coral colored bra and very short shorts. She flaunted her hot, toned body. She spoke with arrogance, like she owned the world, "Sasha, from 'Eneath High School' Fashion is my passion and so is dance, nobody beats me at that" she said eyeing all those girls who had mentioned fashion and dance as their hobbies, which suddenly made them feel a bit inferior.

Sasha continued "and I hate nerds and people who act innocent to seek attention" she gave Natasha a glare. Natasha didn't just take it, she looked her in the eye.

Nobody messed with Sasha, she was the boss, and she had her group of friends who worshiped her. She had everything she wanted. A pretty face, perfect body, money, clothes, talent and the hottest guy, the bad boy was her boyfriend! She was intimidating.

They both looked each other in the eye, none of them ready to give up first.

Jane pulled Natasha's sweatshirt to get her attention, to talk.

So Natasha was the one to look away first.

The introduction night ended after everybody finished off with their introduction.

Everyone went in their rooms.

It was the end of the first day at the camp.

Author's Note:

What's your prediction?

What do you think about Sasha? And Jane?

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