dads family

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TODAY IS THE DAY Tamaki is supposed to meet your dad's side of the family. He was nervous to meet them, but you weren't expecting him to be this nervous. He wanted to meet them so badly but at the same time he was scared he would mess it up. So there the two of you sat on the floor by his bed. "What if they don't like me?" Tamaki was currently expressing his concerns about meeting your family in person. "What if they think I'm not good enough for you?" He was starting to panic and become nervous and you were trying to calm him down. "They already love you Tamaki, I promise." You tried to convince him, and you were telling the truth. "But-" You cut him off with a kiss, both of you becoming a mess. "If I love you, they will too." You didn't have to spend much time comforting the boy, and before you knew it you were on your way to your dad's house. 

Tamaki's parents were driving the two of you and they kept asking you if they were "dressed up enough." You reassured them that anything was fine and it wasn't supposed to be a fancy thing. You and Tamaki talked in the back seat while his parents talked in the front. All conversations stopped once the car pulled into the driveway. It was like the whole car could sense Tamaki's anxiousness. You placed a comforting hand on his own. "C'mon, time to get out." You said in the most, comforting and soft voice you could muster. He got out of the car with you, only for your younger brother, Nico, to run up to you and hug you. While Nico got along with all his siblings, much like you did, it was obvious the two of you got along the best. Your dad thought it was most likely because Nico had a anxiety disorder as well, it was a very mild one but still helped the two of you understand each other more. "I missed you!" He said, you and your siblings had all been talking about this trip and Nico was the most excited. "I missed you too!" You said to your brother. He broke the hug and you introduced him to Tamaki's parents, and re-introduced him to Tamaki since they were meeting in person. 

Once the introductions were over you could see Tamaki visibly relax. You, Tamaki, and your brothers were talking in the gaming room at your dads house. It had a large couch that was centered with the TV, an armchair on each side, and a few beanbag chairs scattered around the room. There was all kinds of electronics scattered thought, laptops, pcs, arcade machines, a playstation, a xbox, and a wii. It made you think about what exactly your dad does, he owns a company and he has told you what he does, you could just never remember. 

You and Tamaki were sat on the right side of the couch, kid of cuddling, but not at the same time. Albert and Aaron were on the other side of the couch, bumping into each other while playing Mario Cart, a game that was taken very seriously in this house. Nico and Atticus were on the armchairs and Jonas was sitting in the middle of the couch. Your brothers had a lot of questions about your friends and when they can meet them. You told the boys that your friends really wanted to meet them and it would be happening soon enough. Tamaki seemed to get along with your brothers extremely well. You couldn't help but wonder if our parents were getting along upstairs. "How'd you guys even meet?" Nico asked you guys, it made you realize that you never told your brothers how you met him. "I don't really remember how old we were, but we were really little. Tamaki was new to the school and he was being introduced and I wasn't really paying attention to it, I didn't think I would be talking to him honestly." She laughed lightly. "I thought he looked cute and I noticed he got nervous the same way I did. The teacher let us have a recess like thing. I think she called it social hour or something?" She looked at Tamaki to confirm and he nodded his head. "I was already friends with Mirio since he was a social butterfly and friends with literally everyone. He suggested that we talk to Tamaki together and we became friends from there." Awes were heard from your brothers and you and Tamaki laughed lightly at it. 

Your dad called you guys upstairs for dinner and you all started moving upstairs. Tamaki's parents and your dad and step-mom were getting along nicely and it made you so happy. You shot a quick smile to Tamaki, and they boys heart melted at the sight. He swears that he has never seen you so happy over something so simple, it gave him so many butterflies. He felt so lucky in that moment and that was the moment he knew you were his forever. "I love you Y/N." he said, his voice a soft whisper.  


next chapter is last chapter bc im bored of writing this story

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