baking a cake

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ONCE THE TWO OF you got home, you unpacked all the ingredients and pulled up the recipe on your phone. "We should start with getting the ingredients ready." You stated, turning to the boy. "What's first?" he asked, you looked down at your phone. "We need fourteen ounces of flour first." You said. Tamaki opened the bag of flour and started pouring it into the measuring cup, only for it to come out in one big cloud of flour. The two of you started laughing at the flour being all over Tamaki. It only got serious when Tamaki started trying to get the flour on his hands on you. "We should get back to baking." The boy said once he had grabbed you by the waist and had you in a back hug situation. 

You both had flour on you now. It was at that moment that you decided today you were going to fluster him as much as possible. Once you had got the flour situation figured out, the boy asked what was next. "We need one and a half teaspoons of baking powder." You told him. Once the two of you got all of the ingredients prepared, it was time to mix them together. 

"We should make the strawberry reduction first." Tamaki suggested. "Yeah, that's what I was thinking." You replied. "It says to make it the day before the cake for better results." You said. "We don't have to wait a day, it recommends it but we don't have to." Tamaki said, looking over your shoulder at your phone. You grabbed the strawberries and grabbed the immersion blender to blend them up. "Can you put the stove in between medium and high?" You asked Tamaki, while you grabbed the sugar. The two of you added the lemon zest, lemon juice, and salt to the mixture. The mixture had to be boiling for around twenty minutes, and you had to mix it so it wouldn't burn. 

Once it was done you moved on to making the actual cake batter. While Tamaki was mixing it, it had managed to get on his face. "Hey Tamaki?" You said to grab the boy's attention. He turned to you and you wiped the batter off his face, licking it off your finger while looking at the boy. This had caused his face to flush a very deep red. You giggled at the boy's reaction and kissed him on the cheek. 

You put the cakes in the oven, made the frosting, and waited for the cakes to bake while sitting on the couch. The both of you were having fun making a cake, but you were a little tired since it was now hot in the kitchen. "I'm praying that this tastes good because I am so tired." You said, letting out a sigh. "I'm sure it'll taste fine my love." Tamaki responded, the nickname causing you to blush. "You're so cute." You told the boy, remembering your goal from earlier. By now he had realized that you had been trying to fluster him, you were succeeding, but he also wanted to make you flustered. "Not as cute as you." He said, pulling you in for a kiss, but stopping right before your lips connected. He stayed there for a few seconds, glancing from your eyes to your lips. As he started to pull away you pulled him by his collar, connecting your lips. Your snaked your arms around his neck, and much to your shock, he pulled you into his lap, his hands around your waist. 

The kiss had very quickly tuned into a make-out session. Tamaki's hands had began to wonder slowly and somewhat innocently, almost like he was making sure you were okay with him touching you in each place. It began with his hands moving to your back to pull you closer, then he made his way to your thighs, kneading at them before they had moved back to your waist, he was most likely losing his confidence. 

The timer for the cake went off, causing for both of you to pull away. You starred at each other for a few seconds before you heard a knock at the door. "I'll get the door, you get the cake?" Tamaki suggested. You nodded your head, still extremely flustered. 

While you were taking out the cake you heard Mirio's voice say hi to Tamaki, and Tamaki inviting him in. Nejire following behind Mirio. "Neji!" You exclaimed, running over to the girl and hugging her. She returned the hug and the two boys started laughing at the sight in front of them and the fact that the two of you were so happy. 

Once the four of you caught up with each other, you and Tamaki started to decorate the cake and assemble while Mirio and Nejire ate some of the leftover strawberries. Since the other two didn't know you two were together you were not as close to Tamaki as you had been all day. That didn't stop him from doing the grabbing the waist to move you over thing. This would cause your face to flush, and Mirio and Nejire to giggle. 

Once you finished the cake you had cut some pieces for the four of you. You had all really enjoyed the cake and had decided to go to the park the next day. You were sleeping over at Tamaki's again as your parents weren't home, Nejire and Mirio were also going to sleep over since it was getting late. Nejire was going to stay in the guest bedroom and Mirio on the couch, but you knew that they'd both end up on the couch watching a movie and falling asleep. Since you and Tamaki had been friends for an extremely long time, they didn't question the fact that you were both staying in his room.

Once the two of you got to his room you heard Tamaki speak up. "How do they not know?" He asked with a laugh. "I have no clue." You responded while going under the sheets, letting the comfort of Tamaki's bed lead you to a peaceful slumber. You felt him crawl under the sheets next to you. "Goodnight love." He whispered, placing a kiss on your forehead. "Night pretty boy." You mumbled. 


im aware that the imperial system is not used in most countries, but that is the system i know so thats what im using

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