going out for dinner

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WE CUDDLED ON THE couch for about ten minutes while watching TV. "Hey Y/N? I just got a text from your mom, I'm sure you know about it already! We're going to get some of your stuff tomorrow if it's okay with you?" Mrs. Amajiki told me. "Yep that's fine with me!" I responded, living here would be fun, plus school was starting up in a week! I talked with Tamaki's parents for a little while Tamaki showered, I would be showering after him and we were going to go out for dinner. We talked about the current news and some other things that a boyfriend's parents would talk to you about. Like when are you getting married, will you ever have kids, how many kids you want, and it made me happy to think that they could picture me staying with their son. 

Tamaki came back downstairs from his shower and came into the kitchen with me and his parents. He gave me a side hug. "I put some clothes in the bathroom for you." he mumbled, PDA was a little different in front of parents, so obviously he was a little embarrassed. "Thank you Tamaki!" I awed at him and got up to go shower. As I was climbing up the stairs, I heard Mrs. Amajiki say "I'm glad you found such a sweet girl, you better treat her right." I smiled, I'm really happy that his parents like me. 

I got out of the shower and looked at the clothes Tamaki had put out for me. It was a black t-shirt that was very obviously his, and a pair of jeans I had left at his house in case I needed a pair. We weren't going anywhere super fancy, just some local restaurant. I threw my undergarments and the clothes on. The last item was in a box that I had never seen before. I opened the box to a very pretty necklace that had a heart with our initials on it. I smiled at the gift and put it on. 

I walked downstairs and joined the Amajiki's downstairs. I hugged Tamaki and thanked him for the necklace. "Alright lets go!" Mr. Amajiki said and with that we all left to get in the car. Mr. Amajiki drove, with Mrs. Amajiki in the front passenger seat. Tamaki and I sat in the back. Once we got to the restaurant we all ordered our food and I have to say it was some of the best food I had ever had. I couldn't eat more even if I wanted to, and trust it was so good I wanted to. I offered to pay for my portion of the meal but Mr. Amajiki wouldn't let me pay no matter how hard I pushed. 

As we walked out of the restaurant Tamaki held my hand, since my anxiety attack earlier in the day Tamaki wanted to make sure that I was okay. It helped to keep me calm, but without it I felt fine too. It was a sweet gesture and he once again made me happy. "You know, I got us matching necklaces." He said quietly, reaching a hand into his shirt pulling out a matching necklace. "You're too cute!" I brought our hands up to my face and placed a kiss on his knuckles. "All you sweet girl." he said, when he called me pet names out of nowhere my face always flushed, so naturally it did this time too; causing Tamaki to let out a light giggle. 

"I feel bad because I didn't get you anything." I admitted somewhat sadly. "Don't worry about it lovely, I saw it when I went somewhere with my parents while you were in the states." He said, scratching the back of his neck with the hand that wasn't in mine. "I'm gonna get you something soon, just because." I told him and squeezed his hand a little harder. "You being mine is enough pretty girl." He said, the pet names coming back, since we were in public we were both more red then usual. 

Once we got back home I changed, showered again, and went straight into Tamaki's bed. "Someone's sleepy." Tamaki said while laughing. "Mhm!" I hummed in response, closing my eyes. Tamaki was playing games on his laptop while I tried to sleep. I decided that I wanted to cuddle, but I didn't want to interrupt Tamaki's games. I got up and walked over to his desk and carefully sat myself on his lap, facing him, while he placed his arms round me so the controller was in front of me. He was in the middle of a fight so I knew he wouldn't say anything. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and after he won the fight he muted his mic. Most likely playing with Mirio. "Hey lovely what's wrong?" He asked, his tone was concerned and gentle. "Nothing, I just want to cuddle." I mumbled out, he giggled. "See you are the cute one!" He kissed the top of my head. "I'm gonna keep playing the game, but you're welcome to stay, you should stay." He said. "That was the plan!" I responded and cuddled into him more. He unmuted and continued to play the game, he didn't have a tendency to yell while playing so I knew that I would be able to sleep. And that's exactly what I did, I fell asleep on his lap. 


got bored so here is another update!

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