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WHEN YOU GOT TO the airport you didn't expect your friends to be there to see you leave. It surprised you, it made you realize how much they care. Your sister explained that she had been in contact with Nejire since she found out to let you see your friends in person one last time before going to visit your dad. While your sister had taken Nejire and Mirio with her to get some food, you and Tamaki stayed behind. When the three had walked away he pulled you in for a hug that he hadn't let go of. "I'm gonna miss you so much." The indigo haired boy said. "I'll miss you to." You had said in response. "I promise I will call you every day, it might be at weird times because of time zones but I will call." You told the boy, he let go of the hug and the two of you just stared at each other for a minute. Finally sitting down, your phone rang and your dad's contact popped up on the screen.

"Hey dad!" you had said, looking at Tamaki as if to say that you'll be done quickly. "Hey Y/N! I'm guessing you and Aella haven't gotten on the plane yet?" he questioned, the answer obvious as your phone wasn't in airplane mode. "Yeah, our flight isn't for another three hours but she insisted that we got here early." You said, letting out a few giggles since you had already been at the airport for about two hours. "Okay, well I will see you when you get off the plane and your brothers will be coming with, just so you know." That's what you had been dreading about this visit. Meeting your half-brothers. Since your parents had split when you were about three, you're brothers weren't super young. They are family, but they are also new people and that's scary. "Alright, I'm assuming you'll have the van then?" You had asked. "Yep! Good old forest green van! Alright Y/N I've got to go so I will see you in a bit!" He had responded. "Bye dad! Love you!" You said, trying to sound as happy as you could, though Tamaki had sensed the wave of anxiety that swallowed you. You hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" The boy had asked. "I have to meet my brothers today." You responded. "You have a brother?" He asked, this was one of the few thing he didn't know about you. "I have three half-brothers and two step-brothers that I've never met." You told the boy, in your mind if you only had one brother and he was a lot younger you wouldn't be anxious. But You had five brothers to worry about meeting. You had only ever talked to your oldest step-brother, Albert, who was your sister's age once. He seemed really nice but the other four was a grey area. "What are there names?" He had asked you, slightly amazed at your big family. "Well Albert is the oldest, he's my step brother and I've talked with him a few times, he's the same age as Aella. My other step brother is named Aaron and he's our age I think. And then my three half brothers are triplets and about thirteen, there names are Atticus, Jonas, and Nico." You had ranted to Tamaki about your brothers. "I'm sure it'll be fine, I mean they are your family." Tamaki had said in an attempt to comfort you. "Yeah." 

The two of you sat in silence for about five minutes before Tamaki broke it. "You have a really pretty voice Y/N." The boy said, your cheeks flushed at his sudden boldness. Before you could say anything Aella, Mirio, and Nejire came back with food. 

After about two hours, you had to leave. You gave your friends goodbye hugs. Tamaki's lasting the longest as he was the one you were closest to. While your sister was saying goodbye to your two other friends and you thought neither of them were looking you gave Tamaki a peck on the cheek. Both you and the boy had a pink dust spread across your cheeks. "I'll see you in a few months Tamaki." You said, you almost didn't want to leave. The two of you conversed for a few seconds before your sister pulled you away. Tamaki watched you as you left. "That's some serious love gaze you got there." Mirio said to the boy. "Shut up." Was all the indigo haired boy said, his eyes not leaving you once. 

"You know I saw that." Your sister said to you. "Saw what?" You questioned, genuinely wondering what she has supposedly saw. "You kissing his cheek." She responded, your cheeks becoming pink once again. 

𝘽𝙐𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙁𝙇𝙄𝙀𝙎 | Tamaki AmajikiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ