13 🔥🔥 Cage

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April 29th Continued...

'Please Sir, may I know how you would like me to serve you?'

'Much better. Good girl,' you smile and I feel heat in all the places your eyes touch my body.

'I have an idea for an installation I've been working on. I couldn't get it quite right before. But if you're part of it I can make it work. It's a cage, big enough for a girl. But empty, and with an open door. I want you to write a poem and I'll paint it on the floor of the cage. That will bring the whole idea to life.'

'Like a poem left behind from a woman who's escaped the cage of what society wants her to be?' My heart starts thudding, the way it always does at your ideas.

'Yes!' you yell, 'Exactly that. A broken open cage, left behind by a woman who's broken free from society's constraints.'

We're both shouting. Sometimes this happens when we get excited about an art piece or a poem. Our voices booming back and forth across the room, our bodies struggling to contain the ideas. Rapid fire speech, so we get everything said, before the idea floats away.

'How are you going to make the cage?' I shout.

'I already have. It's in the pick-up. I need your help to get it up here. Once we've got it up here, I want you to get in it.'

The air closes in around me as if he's just pressed pause on my life.

'Lilah?' you frown, concern etched around your eyes.

'Me? In a cage?'

'Yes. For the art piece.'

'There's no way I'm getting in a cage.'

You raise a brow, 'Lilah, do I need to remind you who you are talking to?'

'Yeah, but... a cage? Me in a cage? I'm not...'

'Do you trust me?' you say softly.


'Yes, what?' your voice is stern now. It's the voice you use when we play. But are we playing?

'Yes Sir,' I mumble.

'Then let's get it up here, and I can tell you what to do from there.'


The cage sits in the middle of the room. I stare at it. Black padded bars, a black mat in the bottom, and, weirdly, a black bar right in the center of it, with some kind of fixing on it. You open the door to the cage and smile at me, then nod towards it.

I eye the cage. There's a beauty about it that I don't understand. 'I shouldn't be a woman that wants to be in a cage,' I tell you.

You step towards me. I step back. You take another step forwards. I take another step back. Every time I step back, you follow me. My back hits the wall, you step into my space and place a hand each side of my head, against the wall, caging me in.

I breath in your scent, rest my head on your chest, and say, 'This should go against everything I believe in.'

You kiss the top of my head and say, 'I know.'

I straighten my spine, put my arms on your chest, and say, 'I am not a woman that can be caged.'

'I know.'

You watch me. Your gaze becoming hypnotic. I feel my arms drop to my sides. The silence stretches, making me uneasy, but at the same time, excited.

'I want to get inside it,' I say, my voice small. 'But it feels like a betrayal of myself. To want to be caged.'

'I know.'

'But you still think I should get in it?'

'I think you want to get in it, and I want to explore your desires with you. That's why I'm pushing you. To get you to the edge of your boundaries. But if this is an edge that you don't want to cross, we won't do it.'

'Oh, I didn't know that.'

'I've got you Lilah. You know you can trust me, don't you?'

I nod.

'Use your words Lilah.'

'Yes Sir, I know I can trust you.'

'Good girl. Now come on, it's such a warm day. Let's make sure you're comfortable while you're in there.'

You reach down for the hem of my black sun-dress and pull it up over my head. Leaving me standing in my black lace knickers and bra. Then you walk over to the desk, open the drawer, and take out my collar and leash. My breath catches, heart rate speeds up, as you turn and beckon me...

Ocean Of Need Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora