The Escence of Amy Lee

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Her story tells genteel roots of a Southern Belle,

Classical pianist, trained vocalist, composer as well,

Belied by gothic make-up and black Morticia hair,

Long dress, fishnets, tattoo here, and piercing there.


Evanescence is all good rock music should be,

Driving beat, haunting melody, meaningful poetry.

But the band received bad press over controversy:

"We have no spiritual affiliation," insists Amy Lee.


Listeners checked album verbiage, the videos viewed,

Saw Amy's message in there, subtle and shrewd,

We learned the words, their depths discerned,

In 2004, "Fallen," double Grammy Award earned.


Evanescence: fading or disappearing, the word means,

A veiled "Essence of Evangelism," to me it seems.

I found that Christian truths abound, clear they call,

Yet, "Tourniquet" the only song that mentions God at all.


In "Everybody's Fool" Lee speaks to the facade

Of the Fallens' belief in God:

Just what we all need, more lies about the world

That never was and never will be- have you no shame?

Don't you see me?  You know you've got everybody fooled.


The song "Hello" is mournful, has a childlike plea:

Playground school bell rings again,

Rainclouds come to play again,

Has no one told you she's not breathing


I'm your mind giving you someone to talk to


Don't try to fix me I'm not broken


I'm the lie living for you so you can hide

Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping


I'm still here, all that's left of yesterday


"Bring Me to Life,"  Evanescence's most famous song,

I thought had feminist overtones- that a woman

Should not depend on a man to bring her to life;

Until I watched the video- do enjoy, and you decide.

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