The Emperor's Sadism

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“Well now, Namekian. You have impressive strength. I'm surprised I haven’t killed you already”, Freeza says, his lip bleeding a bit after Piccolo’s last attack. Piccolo has been putting up a decent fight against Freeza up until this point.

Meanwhile, down on the ground, Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan watch on in awe. Eventually, Vegeta flies off, mumbling about how he needs to get the hell out of there. Unfortunately for him, Freeza notices and stops him mid-flight.

“Hello Vegeta. Where do you think you’re going?”


“Really? Because it looks to me that you’re headed for that mountain over there.”

“Actually that’s more of a plat-” Vegeta starts before Freeza sends him plummeting into the plateau. Freeza then turns back to Piccolo.

“Now where were we?”

“I was planting my foot firmly somewhere between your lungs and colon.”

“An admirable feat for someone like you. But I have a question for you.”


“That's ...not a ques-” Piccolo starts before being viciously slapped to the ground.

“I don’t do requests.” Freeza says, with a dramatic flair. Piccolo gets up as Freeza floats down to the crater Piccolo created.

“Don’t count me out just yet!” Piccolo says and throws off his cape and turban. Freeza just looks at him confused.

“My armor weighs 100 kilos!”

“That’s adorable!”

“That really became irrelevant quickly, didn’t it?”

“Yep. But I have a technique that’s ripe and ready for abuse. Transformation.” Freeza proclaims before transforming yet again. His head elongates, spikes grow out of his back, and his shoulders extend.

“Huh? DAMMIT!!” Piccolo says as he is talking to himself and didn’t notice Freeza’s transformation.

“Well now Namekian, what do you think of my 3rd form?” Freeza asks, his voice now more raspy and gross. Piccolo mumbles something about Ridley Scott suing and rushes Freeza. But no matter what he does, he can no longer lay a finger on Freeza.

"What's the matter, Namekian? Can't touch me anymore?" Freeza says, mocking him. He then fires a tiny ball of energy into Piccolo's knee. Piccolo recoiled, surprised at how much it hurt. Freeza shoots hundreds of these bullets, blanketing Piccolo's entire body, causing him immense pain.

"Mr. Piccolo!!" Gohan shouted before rushing towards him. Krillin begins to chase after Gohan but is stopped by Vegeta.

"I need you, and follow me on this one, to almost kill me," Vegeta says to him.

"Almost kill you?"


"And there's no repercussions for this?"

"I will not punch you."

"Oddly specific."

Vegeta then yells at him to just shut up and do it.

Meanwhile, Gohan, enraged by Freeza, fires a large Masenko at Freeza. Freeza, being his usual dramatic self, almost lets the blast damage him before sending it right back. Luckily, Gohan dodges it at the last minute.

"You know what?" Freeza says. "I'm getting tired of 3rd form. Is there anyone else?"

Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo all agree.

"All right then. Final form it is!" Freeza proclaims and begins his final transformation. Seeing this, Gohan, who is now carrying Piccolo, floats back down to the ground. He sees Vegeta talking to Dende, asking him to heal him.

"Why is there a hole in Vegeta's stomach?" Gohan asks Krillin.

"I shot him."


"He asked for it."

Gohan just looks at Krillin, incredulous, as Dende heals Piccolo. As soon as Piccolo is healed, he gets up and tells Dende to go heal Vegeta. Dende reluctantly does, and Vegeta gets back up, fully healed.

"I'm your white mage. And nobody. Screws. With the white mage." Dende says to Vegeta before he suddenly explodes. Everyone looks on in fear and confusion and turns around to see Freeza in his final form, his finger extended.

"Oh, I feel real good about my life right now." He says with an evil smile.

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