XLII- Moving in

Começar do início

"Its an honour to be a part of Y/N's Music Video." He said, addressing you formally.

"Wah! Y/N?" You replied, "You're pretending to respect me in front of the camera?"

He shook his head, "I do respect you!"

You turned to camera to your own face, "You heard it here first folks, Bang Chan is a fucking liar."

He laughed, and you put the camera down to get on with filming.

"Okay can you explain the concept to me?"  He asked.

"Right so i wanted to capture my journey of 'escaping' from things that held me back and becoming independent, stepping out of my comfort zone. So it starts off with me in Australia, at the beach.. And i feel very out of place." You began explaining.

Chan listened with concentration, nodding along the way.

"Then it shifts to me.. Leaving the place where i dont feel like i belong. Now im in Seoul, i've left everything and im ready to start my new journey. So its this running scene, then we have the last few clips to film at Han River." You said, "So the scene we're doing now.. Its basically a homage to you."

"To me?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah." You smiled, "You held my hand and pushed me through my journey. So in a way.. You're playing yourself."

"Oh wow." He said, smiling, "I dont know what to say."

"Dont- i dont wanna cry." You said, walking away from him to go to your location.

"Nooo." He laughed, running after you, "Come here."

He grabbed your hand, pulling you towards him before wrapping you in a hug.

"I love the concept." He whispered, squeezing you.

"Thank you." You whispered back, before pulling away. The last thing you wanted was to break down. "Alright lets go!" You called to your team, they were exploring the forest, filming things here and there.

Pretty soon, you were done filming. You moved to the Han river after saying goodbye to Chan.

"Its already 11:30?!" You exclaimed, turning to your director.

"Lets take a break." You said, after realizing how exhausted everyone must me, "Dinners on me!"

"Working? How late does your boss make you work?" Your new landlord asked.

"Oh i was up till 2. But its okay, i'll spend the entire day sleeping on my new bed." You said

Your old but kind landlord laughed, before bidding you goodbye and going on his way.

You turned the camera up, "I love my new landlord."

"Okay." You breathed out, "We're officially entering my new home."

You smiled at the camera, before putting the passcode in and opening the door.

You breathed in the air of your new house that luckily came fully furnished.

All you had to do, was unpack your clothes, shoes and other things.

"I have to buy a few things.. I've made a list." You said to your camera, putting your suitcases in the room to unpack later, "I have to get FOOD. first of all. Then utensils, i wanna get some accessories to make the place feel more like home. Also i had all my frames and photo albums delivered from Australia to here and they'll be arriving today."

You settled onto your couch, "Then im inviting all my friends over to have a housewarming party tonight. And to celebrate the finishing of my first project."

You winked at the camera, "Im very excited for you guys to see."

"Alright, im going to go ahead and unpack and then sleep." You waved at the camera, "Bye bye yall."

You shut the camera up, before walking to your bedroom..


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i- i
l- love han jisung not
y- you

Through a screen | Bangchan Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora