Jay x Shelly 🍰 3 part 2

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After their fun and showering, cleaning their bodies from the mess they created, they got quiet hungry for food since it's been a few hours since they last ate.

They found a nice and cozy looking restaurant which isn't that busy.

The couple are sat in the restaurant at a table in the corner enjoying a meal with the beautiful sunset besides them the streets getting less busy.

Jay puts his fork down to take a drink of his coke looking at Shelly "Is it nice? Your food"

Shelly swallows a piece of steak nodding happily putting a hand over her mouth whilst she talks "mhmm yeah, tasty" she replies with a mouthful.

Jay smiles wiping a bit of steak on the corner of her mouth off which causes Shelly to blush.

Jay feels his heart warm up at the sight of her blushing face and continues eating his food admiring the stunning view of Shelly and her body.

The smell of food from the kitchen and from other peoples dishes fill up the restaurant aswell as the sound of people talking and the noises of cutlery.

Shelly looks at the side to see the sunset out the window "Woah, it's pretty, huh? I've never seen it look this pretty."

Jay nods still looking at her "yeah, very."

Shelly turns away from the window to look at him and laughs "The sunset!"

He keeps smiling and eating his food "Well I prefer my view more than a sunset."

More blush fills her face making her out her hands over her face "Stop~ I'm blushing~"

He feels proud making his girlfriend get so flustered "mhmm that's the point, sweet."


Jay and Shelly have arrived back at their cozy hotel room, it's now dark and both are stuffed from their meal and sleepy from a long flight and day.

They're in the hotel bathroom brushing their teeth after changing into their matching pyjamas.

Jay speaks muffled from his toothbrush "We can check out more stores tomorrow if you wanna?"

Shelly nods spitting toothpaste into the sink "yeah! Oh, I saw a doughnut shop. If you're up for checking it out?"

Jay nods finishing up brushing his teeth spitting in the sink, rinsing off his toothbrush then putting it in the cup holder.

Shelly smiles doing the same as him with her toothbrush "yay, thanks."

Jay smiles looking at her in the mirror as he wipes his mouth off the toothpaste "mhmm of course."

Jay takes her hand turning off the bathroom light and letting it go so she can go to the side of the hotel bed she wants to go on.

Shelly pulls down the blind then goes to the right side of the bed and lifts up the blanket to settle in the bed.

Jay lays in the bed aswell, taking off his glasses putting them on the bedside table.

Jay puts an arm around Shelly's waist scooting her against his chest putting his nose buried in her blonde hair.

Jay mumbles into her hair "Night, sweet."

Shelly smiles replying tiredly "Night, baby."

The two cuddle feeling warm in each others embrace as they fall asleep.

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