Dom x Yuna 🍪 1

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Dom picks up a Pochacco jumper checking the size to make sure it's Yuna's. Once he's gotten the gifts he finds the checkout area and pays for them.

The cashier scans the jumper with a teasing smile "Is this for your girlfriend?"

Dom slightly blushes and mumbles shyly "..yeah"

The cashier chuckles finishing scanning the items.

Dom hands over to correct amount of money "Thanks" he picks up the bag containing his gifts

The cash register smiles "No problem"

Dom puts his wallet back in his pocket and leaves the area to leave the store to go to his girlfriend's apartment.


Yuna is sat on her couch watching a K-drama whilst eating her ramen with a Fanta can on the side.

Yuna slurps up a noodle and sighs in satisfaction of the taste when a knock is at her front door, she puts her bowl on her coffee table and stands up to answer.

She unlocks and opens smiles widely when she sees her boyfriend.

Dom smiles as he sees her and instantly wraps his arms around her waist pulling her in for a kiss which she reciprocates.

The couples lips are intertwined kissing sweetly to which Yuna pulls away still smiling hugging him "Ahh, you're back"

Dom kisses the top of her head "mhmm yeah, I couldn't be away from my Yuna for long."

Yuna laughs "Come in, I see you have gifts for me~"

Dom smiles walking inside her apartment "You know it"

The couple walks back to where she was originally sat in her couch, Yuna picks up her bowl and begins eating her ramen again as she watches Dom hold the bag.

Yuna looks curious as she slurps a noodle "What's in there?"

Dom smiles and hands her the bag, Yuna smiles putting her bowl back down, then taking the offered bag off him she takes out the first gift which is a Pochacco jumper.

Yuna quietly gasps looking at it "Ahh, so cute~"

Dom smiles and chuckles "Like it?"

Yuna nods putting the jumper on over her shirt.

She then takes out the last gift in the bag which is a necklace with a heart locket, Yuna opens it and the picture is of her and Dom's hand each one doing half of a heart making a while one facing the moon.

Yuna smiles putting the necklace on "Wow, thank you~"

Dom pats her head letting his hand run through her short hair "You're welcome, babe"

Yuna gives him a light kiss on the lips in appreciation.

Once they part he cuddles up against her sighing holding her hand "So... can I have some of your ramen?"

Yuna laughs rolling her eyes "Fine"

He smiles in victory picking up her bowl and slurping up the noodles like it's his last meal.

Yuna rolls her eyes holding the locket in her hand..

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