Vinny x Yumi 🦊 1

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"Thanks for ordering, Come back soon!" The cashier thanked giving him his change Vinny nodded shoving his wallet into his back pocket before gathering the food bags. A little girl held the door open for him, he smiled as his thanks at the brown haired cutie.

"Mummy he has cool hair! Did'ya see, did'ya?!"

He could hear her exciting shouting causing him to smile more which quickly faded as he saw Yumi talking to some guy. Whose that why's he with Yumi?

Vinny grunted, walking over to his girl and the man. "Uh well. . maybe we can hang out?" Vinny scoffed putting down the bags, wrapping an arm around Yumi's shoulders "No can do we have plans"

The ginger man blushes in embarresment, sheepishly smiles. This was not at all how things were supposed to go, Yumi was alone since Vinny left to go buy their food. Ginger sighed putting a hand on Yumi's arm.

Vinny noticed and stiffened 'subtly' moving Yumi away "Well whenever you're free or not with your boy- your friend just text"

Yumi awkwardly nodded about to speak but got interrupted, "Sorry but Yumi won't be able to be with you"

"Wha. . I don-"

"On your phone you wrote down 'Feb 14' but I have some special things planned" Vinny stated kissing her forehead.

The (annoying) man blushed at 'special' how can this guy be romantic? He seems like a pain in the ass, yumi deserves someone better, someone like him.

The third wheel cleared his throat inching forward a tiny bit so he's facing Yumi.

"Yume it seems Vinny is speaking for you" Yumi nods if not she would have felt bad-ish for decling plans with her friend (even though obviously she would much rather be with Vinny) "So will you text me when you're free to hang?"

Yumi twirled a strand of hair, "Uhm sorry Hui-seong but I would rather be with Vinny."

Vinny smugly smirks.

"Oh. . of course. . hey well thats all I'll be going now" Hui-seong slightly hunched over Yumi stifled a laugh knowing she upset him "Bye Yumes and Vinny." He started the car engine and drove as fast away as possible.

Vinny twirled Yumi so she's facing him.

"Why didn't you tell me about him?''

Yumi giggled bringing a hand up to carress his cheek which he leant into sighing softly "What are you saying, I did mention him!" Vinny quirks an eyebrow at her

"Remember we were eating dinner and I told you about the new shirt I recieved from an old friend  Hui-seong" He looked more confused "Ah doesn't matter you were caught up with the food and watching TV"

Vinny took the hand carressing his cheek and held it kissing her finger softly "No, next time I'll listen. Sorry."

Yumi chuckled "What? Why're you sorry?"

"I didn't listen and caused you to fall out with your friend" She shook her head taking her hand from his

"I wasn't fond of him anyway besides he's always had a crush on me. . that's why he came over when you were gone"

Yumi started walking away waiting for him to follow.

"Wait! He's liked you for ages? Hey Yumi?!"

Yumi giggled and began running in a slow jog, Vinny laughed at her childish antics, "Oh just wait I'll get'cha!"


Yumi leaned against the hallway wall catching her breath she made Vinny chase after her which was a huge mistake no.1 of course he caught her 3 times, no.2 she had to run up a hill and no.3 she's in heels.

Vinny placed his shoes down before removing his jacket sweat glimmered his face, Yumi had to admit he looked really hot.

"You alright?" He asked starting to unzip her jacket she nodded "Lift your foot" Vinny instructed to which she immediatly did he carefully pulled the shoe off her foot doing a quick rub on her feet before going over and copying it to the other.

"Thanks." Yumi said heading off to the kitchen for a glass of water, Vinny grunted taking a seat on the couch grabbing the TV remote switching through channels until he found something to watch.

"Hey this is that new movie that came out last week, wanna watch?" He turned around looking at her stunning form from behind

"Sure" She started "Should I make some food?"

She scratched her arm waiting for an answer, Vinny paused the movie and got up to help, "Mhmm but I'll help you make it"

Yumi smiled and the pair began cooking.

Vinny couldn't help blush a little is this what his future could be like married to his girlfriend with some kids? His little family, first steps, first words, first solid, teaching them how to ride a bike, bedtime stories, keeping monsters away. Vinny shook his head if that happened it wouldn't he for a couple more years, he'd need more money for a nice house with a yard for playing outside.

The microwave beeped saying the popcorns ready, he opened the door not moving for a few seconds to let the steam out slowly taking it out the microwave so he doesn't hurt himself.

He grabbed two bowls dishing out an equal amount.

"I've finished my food" Yumi announced with a victory grin, she spun on her tip-toes looking at Vinny "Have you finished?" Vinny nodded taking a tray from the cupboard above him placing the food he created on it to help he (safely) deliver it to the living room.

After a few minutes the couple was finally ready to begin watching.

In all honesty the movie was pretty crap but when Yumi made gasps, or mumbled something he couldn't tell her with how childish she was acting.

Yumi sighed resting her head on his shoulder. Did something happen? He wrapped an arm around her waist as he lied down on his back putting her ontop of him, her head lied on his chest listening to his fastening heart.

"Are you sleepy, Vinny?" Yumi muttered trying to hide her yawn

"Nope-" He got cut off by her yawning again "Hmm 's fine sleep here my bed isn't made anyway" Vinny told her rubbing his hand on her lower back just how she likes it.

"Mhmmm night Vinny" Yumi's voice got drowsier

"Night yumes" He replied just as tired his rubbing slowing down a bit

"I love you. ." Her last words were before she started lightly snoring

"Love you. ." Vinny kissed her head sighing as he closed his eyes a small smile on his face


How was this first one-shot? 😅

Vinny might of been a bit OOC but ?
I think it's cute

Next couple ↣ Jay x Shelly 🍰 (my fav!! Y'know it's gonna be good!)

This was supposed to be published yesterday but I wanted to wrote more and when I checked the time it was midnight. . .

Soo next one coming out later today!

Girii 🍰

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