Chapter 5: Kill the resurrected

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The atmosphere in the hideout was charged with a mixture of disbelief and uncertainty. My return from the clutches of death had cast a shadow of doubt over the minds of my companions. Their expressions ranged from astonishment to suspicion, their unspoken thoughts hanging heavy in the air.

Najenda's brows furrowed. "Resurrected by a god? I know you told me you were resurrected by one but that's... not possible."

Tatsumi's eyes held a mix of concern and confusion. "I've heard tales of gods and powerful beings, but to actually be brought back by one?"

Mine's eyes were tinged with skepticism. "I've seen my fair share of weird stuff, but gods meddling in human affairs? It's a stretch."

My gaze met theirs, the weight of my experiences etched into my expression. "I know it's difficult to believe, but I stand before you as the truth. You can kill me all you want..."

I gazed at Mine, a knowing look passing between us.

"...whether it's a shot to the head..."

I turned to Lubbock, my determination unwavering.

"...the slicing embrace of your wires..."

Sheele's gaze met mine, a connection forged by the strangeness of my reality.

"...being cut in two..."

I focused on Akame, my words carrying the weight of conviction.

"...or even poison coursing through my veins. I'll return, renewed and relentless."

The room was charged with a mix of disbelief and uncertainty, the air heavy with the implications of my claims. As their gazes held mine, I saw a mixture of emotions-doubt, curiosity, and a glimmer of understanding. The reality of my existence challenged their perceptions, inviting them to question the boundaries of life and death. And in that moment, as I stood in the midst of my comrades, the path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, but also underscored by an unyielding sense of purpose and camaraderie.

Tatsumi's concern was evident. "Does this mean that our actions are preordained by this god?"

Bulat's voice held a hint of defiance. "I've always believed in taking charge of my own destiny. I'm not keen on the idea of being some puppet on a divine string."

I nodded, acknowledging their reservations. "I understand your doubts. But Khonshu's influence doesn't dictate our choices. It's a partnership, a shared purpose against corruption and evil." I grimaced as I clutched my head.

"You alright there, (F/N)?" Leone asked, walking over to me and putting her and on my shoulder. I turned gaze towards her.

"I'm fine. It's just that resurrection takes its toll. I think I'm going to go and rest up."

I turned to leave for my bedroom, feeling all eyes on me as I left. I entered my bedroom and discarded my gear and laid on my bed and closed my eyes. No doubt now the night raid are more wary of me since I defied the laws of death thanks to Khonshu.


The new day dawned, its light streaming through my window and rousing me from slumber. With a stretch and a yawn, I sat up, rubbing the remnants of sleep from my eyes. The sun's warm glow was a stark contrast to the shadows I often traversed at night. Today, I had a different purpose in mind - a trip to the capital to gather materials for my crescent darts, which were depleting faster than I'd like.

After dressing in my casual attire, I stepped out of my room and made my way towards the familiar conference room. As I entered, a subtle shift in the atmosphere caught my attention. The others were there, sharing a meal, their conversations tapering off as they registered my presence.

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