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13 hours ago

Zach walked towards me, his eyes never leaving mine, and the expression on his face was unreadable. I was still in Aaron's arms, oblivious to the damage I had caused in our relationship, and followed Zach's movements.

"Reneé, you wanna come to me for a minute?" he asked, keeping a distance away from us, but his voice was demanding enough to elicit a response from me. I walked over to him, stumbling slightly before he grabbed me by my arms and steadied me. He looked angry. 


He was angry. 

"Are you okay?" But when he spoke his voice was as gentle and as calm, almost as if I was a sleeping baby and he was afraid he would wake me up. 

"I'm okay," I responded, and his gaze softened, anger absent from his features. He nodded before leading me away from a wondering Aaron who was probably still confused about why I kissed him. He walked me outside, where everyone else was gathered: Lori squatted on the sidewalk, Imani in James's arms, and Stella sat on the stairs with a water bottle in her hands. 

"Reneé, oh my goodness we were looking for you the entire night where were you?" Stella asked, quickly standing up and grabbing me from Zach. She looked sober right now, and I should have figured that she was watching how much she was drunk since she was an athlete. 

Before I could fathom a response, the queasy feeling of fullness and a wave of heat hit me, before the bile started to rise up my throat. Pushing Stella away, I rushed towards a bush and emptied all the contents of my stomach, Zach and the others walking towards me as he moved my hair away from my face, his hands slowly rubbing my back.

"When you're done drink this we're going back home," Zachariah whispered in my ear and handed me a bottle, before taking a step back and letting the girls help me up. Even though others might think that he was helping me, I knew that he was upset about me being drunk. Or about tonight? I just couldn't put my finger on it. 

The Uber pulled up and we all filed into it, with Zach in the passenger seat, Imani on James's lap, and Lori on Stella. We all decided it would be better for me to have a window seat in case I threw up again, which took us a few minutes to persuade the driver to allow us to go. 

Imani went with James because she was just as drunk as I was, and Zach decided to accompany me to my dorm.

"Are you mad at me Zach?" I said as I turned around when we got to my dorm room. He shrugged, before moving me out of the way and opening the door, leading me inside. His warm hand on my lower back caused shivers to run down my spine. He stood by the door with his arms crossed over his chest as I took off my shoes, his eyes watched my every move. 

I continued to get unready at a slower pace, his eyes bored into me, which in my drunken state made me nervous, but I would have been way nervous if I was sober.

"Did you have fun tonight?" He asked, his arms still crossed over his chest, as he walked over to me and grabbed something out of my hair. I nodded and hummed, grabbing my makeup wipes and wiping down my face. I heard him hum as well, he took a step back and sat in Imani's desk chair. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, he grabbed his jacket off me that was sitting lazily on my shoulders, before draping it over his own.

"Okay well I gotta go I'll see you tomorrow morning up and early," he said, as he stood up and stood over me, massaging my shoulders really quickly before letting go and walking out the door.


I spent the last three hours trying to decide whether or not to contact Aaron. Out of everything that happened last night, kissing Aaron was the one thing I remembered. And I literally mean our lips locking was all I remembered, I don't remember how I went home, or if any of the others even got home, how the party went, if the party was fun, my mind was running at 100 miles per hour. 

I had so many questions, and of course, I wanted to know about what happened last night from the only person I'm sure was present.

Hey Aaron, do you mind meeting me for lunch rq? I ask, my leg bouncing on my desk chair as I await a response. 

1 minute

2 minutes


Sure, what time though I'm done with class in 10 minutes. He replies. I had no classes after 9 today, so I was free the entire afternoon. I texted him the time I was ready for us to meet before getting up and starting to get ready, walking around the room naked because Imani was supposedly with James the entire night. 

I also remembered Zach bringing me back, but he always took all the girls back to their rooms after we went to parties so it wasn't anything I really needed to talk about with him. He woke me up this morning because I supposedly told him I would work out with him today last night, which I don't remember having that conversation ever. After "attempting" to work out with Zach he left telling me he was busy the whole day and to leave him alone.



"About last night, I just wanted to say I was sorry. I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing," I finally said, trying to alleviate the tension between us. Aaron and I had been sitting in the same spot for the past 10 minutes without saying anything about last night. We grabbed our food and ate, casually talking about the weather and how classes were going, yet anyone would still be able to feel the tension of our conversation.

So in an effort to clear the air, I decided to bring it up first.

Aaron finally looked up and stared into my eyes for the first time since we were together and laughed. An unbelievably confusing laugh. I couldn't tell if he was laughing to make fun of me, or laughing because he didn't believe what was happening right now.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask, absolutely shocked by his reaction. I had planned this moment out already. I would apologize to Aaron, and he would tell me that it was okay and that he was drunk as well and thought I was doing it to get back at someone, and then we shake hands and laugh it out like friends.

But that was only what I thought...

"Reneé I've wanted to kiss you for so long I've wanted to be with you, for so so long," he says, looking up at me again through his lashes, his brown eyes staring me down. I creased my brow in confusion, still not processing what he had just told me.


"Reagan," he says, his hand reaching out slightly to brush over mine as it rested on the table in front of us. I couldn't pull away, and as much as I wanted to, my thoughts were only focused on one thing.

Does someone actually like... me?

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