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After eating food with Aaron he dropped me off at my residence hall and I sprinted upstairs to my dorm and grabbed my shower caddy. I yell a hi to Imani who was on her computer before shutting the door and rushed to the bathroom.

Before I could turn on the shower I remeber I had to take down my hair today, this was the only day I had only one class.

"I'm back Imani, I need to take these braids out my head. Fuck!" Irritated wasn't even the word. I hated taking my head down , and I wanted to sleep in today.


"Thanks Imani, ugh you're a life saver babe," I say dusting off the dry flakes off my shoulders. I have the worst scalp in the world, it's disgusting.

"Don't worry babe, you can pay me back by doing my braids for the halloween party. THANKS!" She squeals.

"I totally forgot that Halloween was next week," I say, surprised by how quickly the year was going.

"You still want to go or are you still off it?" she asks, picking up the braided pieces from the ground and placing them into the trash bag. As much as it would be fun to dress up and go to a party, I wasn't going to celebrate the devil. Halloween is literally the devils birthday I don't make the rules. 

"Eh I'm off it, I'll probably help y'all get ready and go to the lounge some of the boys downstairs are having a game night," I blurt out, " but don't tell Lori and Stella I'm not coming they are going to force me and I would only say yes to please them and then be uncomfortable the entire night. Please babe," I say, grabbing her hands and dropping down onto my knees, crocodile tears falling out my eyes. 

"But seriously Imani," I say sternly, looking her in the eyes. 

"You know you don't have to do it to please them right. Do things that you want to do. Don't let how other people feel about your decisions change your decision babe. it's your life not theirs. Why do you think I never force you to do things when you already told me you wouldn't? You make your own decisions in life and I'll be there to help you out on the way. A dumbass party is nothing."

How to marry my gorgeous roommate.


"What are you going to do your hair Reneé? It's getting mad cold I wouldn't recommend keeping it out," Stella says, feeding me a graham cracker.

"I should just put on a wig right? I got a glueless one so I don't have to glue it on my forehead and I could take it off at night. Or I could just braid my hair whenever I have the time..." I trial out, finishing the last of my cornrows and putting on a scarf before remembering I still haven't talked to Zach.

Speaking of the devil, a knock is heard on the door. Lori pauses the movie and walked towards the door opening it. "Hey Zach what's up?" she says, hugging him and letting him in.

"I'm good, uh can I talk to Reneé... outside," He says making eye contact with me. Smiling awkwardly, I put on my crocs and walk towards him. Shutting the door I look at Zach as he fidgets with his fingers, his lips in a tight pursed line.

"What's up Zachariah," I say placing my hands in my pockets, the cold air whooshing through the corridor. 

"We have to talk Nae. It's been weeks, and I know you talked to James already, he literally left a  frog in my room to force me to apologize to you," he says, still avoiding eye contact.

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