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13 hours ago

You know when you're intoxicated and don't have any control of your emotions, of what you say or how you act?

After composing ourselves, we stepped out of the bathroom, and he walked me to the kitchen, handing me a water bottle and sitting me down. I drank, staring at the party and the people thrashing around the house. The music continued to play, the bass vibrations against the house made my heart race, but not as fast as when I locked eyes with Zachariah. 

 I was slowly beginning to lose myself. A few minutes ago Zach had left me to grab James and get an Uber for all of us since the majority were, you know, drunk. I used that opportunity and grabbed another drink from the countertops and joined a game of Rage Cup. I was new to playing the game and multiple people continued to help me.

"Are you sure you can do this?" A fairly older-looking boy asked from beside me as I tried putting the ping-pong ball into the cup before my opponent did. I don't know what I thought I was doing participating in this in my already drunken state. My head was spinning, and my heart was beating so slowly that I thought I was going to collapse.  

"HA. You lost! Drink up!" my opponent yelled as his team screamed jumping up and down. For a few seconds the world stopped, and I thought about running away. But a game is a game, I couldn't chicken out. Right?

Dude, you're so gone right now.

Grabbing the last cup in the middle full of different concoctions of alcohol, I gagged, before slowly lifting the cup to my lips and starting the slow burning process. As the liquid went down my throat I thought about all the consequences I would be in if my mother found out, and how sick I would be tomorrow. It didn't help that I barely ate today either, my stomach was burning and I couldn't take it anymore. Placing the half-drunk cup down I looked around as everyone watched me, some cheering, others gagging, and a few laughing loudly. 

"Come on you're almost done!" My opponent yells over the music and commotion, and I flick him off, not before dry-heaving again. This tasted so disgusting, but I couldn't stop, this was the fun I wanted to have tonight. Lifting the cup to my lips one last time, I tilted my head up and pinched my nostrils, before letting the liquid pass down my throat. 

A few seconds later, the cup was hit out of my hand and onto the ground. 

"Reneé? What the fuck are you doing?!" I hear Aaron yell. He grabbed me by the arms tightly and turned me to face him, his eyes resembled that of an angry mother, scarring my face with his deep lingering stare. 

He pulled me away from the group, and a bunch of NOs and boos were yelled over the music as he walked me out of the dining area. 

"Reneé why the fuck would you drink that! How stupid are you to do that? Do you know how much toxins and alcohol are in just that cup alone? You're being a dumb bitch right now," he fumed, before flicking my forehead. 

What just happened...

"Oh, yeah it was a fun game hahaha," I laughed, looking around for the girls to tell them about my experience, and secretly wishing Zach had seen me.

"Regan you're drunker than anybody in this house right now. Is what you do? Get drunk for attention?" He walks over to face me, confused as to why I was acting how I was. I could hear what he was saying, but they made no comprehensive sense. 

"Shush shush," I said drowsily, placing my fingers on his lips before bringing my face closer to his.

"What are you doing Reneé?" He asked, a slight hint of urgency in his tone. 

"Just kiss me Zach," I whispered, before leaning in and kissing him. Our kiss was passionate, and his lips were soft but forceful. I pulled away, breathing hard all while avoiding his eyes. It still hadn't hit me that I had kissed him, but I just didn't feel the butterflies everyone says you feel when you do. 

"Regan," he breathed out, his pink lips slightly tainted after our kiss. His face resembled one of confusion and desire. I still couldn't bring myself to look at him, however, and as my eyes ran around the faces at the party they were met with the deep blue orbs of the long I wished I was kissing instead. He stood still, in his hand a bottle of sprite, my favorite.


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