(A/N- So we've given Midoriya the big reveal, eh? Also, sorry for late updates. I'm thinking about writing another book. Votes on love interests? )

Midoriya gapes at me. "Kam-Kamiko-san?"
I give him a toothy smile. "Me." I slide my mask back on, placing a finger over my lips. "But let's keep that quiet for now, K?"
He blinked rapidly, nodding a couple times.
"Anyways," I flip a hand out while wrapping the other around his shoulder. " Like I said, you aren't being sent home, so don't worry about it."
He blinked again. "I'm not?"
Silence hung in the air for a second.
"Miss Kamiko, you have had an elevated heart rate for 20 minutes. May I recommend vagal maneuvers?" Selwyn chimed.
"Excuse me for a moment, Midoriya. Selwyn, companion. " I cracked my neck, which really ached for some reason.
Did I sleep on it funny? No, I didn't sleep.
A humanoid shape glimmers gold a second before revealing Selwyn.
My dear AI was a semi scrawny boy with glowing golden almond eyes, brown ruffled hair, and copper skin. He had golden lips to match mine, that lifted in a smirk to reveal sharp canines.
His eyes were very peculiar, in that the pupils were gears.
"Hey, Sel." I winked, waving.
"Hello, Kam." He winked back before looking at Midoriya. He looked him up and down before looking back to me. "94,32 % de son historique de recherche est constitué de batailles de Hero, principalement celles d'All Might." He sounded very unimpressed.

(Translation- "94.32% of his search history consists of Hero's battles, primarily All Might's.")

I snorted but covered it with a cough, less than effectively. "Okay, Selwyn, mon Cher, you need to be nice. Au moins devant lui."

(Translation- 1: "My dear" 2:"At least in front of him")

"What the fuck?" Midoriya squeaked, looking at him. "Is that your boyfriend?"
My and Selwyn looked at him, then eachother.
I started wheezing with laughter while Sel made a beautiful noise that sounded like wind chimes.
I held my breath for a moment, looking up at Midoriya.
Oh my gods he's serious.
I burst out laughing again. "Selwyn's my brother!" I wheezed. That's kind of the truth. I mean, he does have my Ichor in his veins.
"Anyways, I was lying. Nobody is getting expelled. " Dazawa said, nonchalant.
"WHAT?" The class yelled.
"Heh. Called it." I nodded smirking.
"You cheated." Selwyn whispered.
I slowly turned my head to glare at him. "Shush, you gear head."
"You're adopted." He replied
I smiled innocently.  "You're a mistake."
"Go to your next class now, or whatever. Kamiko, come with me for a moment." Aizawa said, walking away.
I sweat dropped and trailed behind.
"He's been asking for you." Aizawa glanced at me.
My eyelids slid lower and my face grew serious. "For what?"
"We don't know. But he refused to tell us anything unless he gets twenty minutes with you."
My jaw clenched. "Fine. Twenty minutes. No more."
"Thank you. You'll be meeting him while the rest of the class is on a short trip."
I stopped walking. "Aizawa. Be careful on the trip."I said slowly.
He turned around. "Why?"
I bit the tip of my tounge, thinking. "I've heard from some... sources that something might happen. Just keep an eye out, will you?"
He scanned my face. "Alright. Now go to your next class. You have a new teacher."
I laughed darkly. "I'll tell All Might you said hi."
He rolled his eyes, then froze in realization. "Wait, how-"
"Bye!" I shifted into air and flew to the next class. Love confusing Dazawa

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