First Day of School

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I flopped on Dazawa's couch, face first. "Ugggghh. I huurrrt." I groaned

"May I recommend Jian Jing?" My sweet, sweet A.I. asked.

"Yes, yes you may." I groaned, pressing the pressure point on my shoulder.


"Kamiko," Aizawa called, "who was that?"
"Your mom." I mumbled into the couch.

"What?" He asked, leeching in the room.

"Nothing. It's just Selwyn." I rested my chin on top of the pillow.

Dazawa stared at me for a second. Just waited. Realizing I wasn't providing further information he sighed. "Who?"

I closed my eyes. "My A.I.. Selwyn, say hi."

"Hello, Shoto Aizawa. I am Selwyn, Miss Kamiko's virtual assistant."

Dazawa sucked air in through his teeth. "Yeah, kid? I'm gonna need more of an explanation."

I yawned. "Mhmm. And I need a nap. Selwyn, upload yourself into his phone, Level 1 clearance. "

"Understoond. It seems the car is too far from here, shall I call a cab?"

"Nah, I'm crashing here for a while. Oh, and freeze Desmond's offshore account. The one that he doesn't think I know about."

"Will do, Miss."

"I'm sorry, what about a second offshore account?" Aizawa yelled.

"Shhhhhhhhh." I nuzzled into the couch and promptly fell asleep.

6 Months Later...
(A/N- Sorry I'm so lazy)

I plopped in the chair.
Really. Right behind Midoriya's? Oh gods, where is Mineta gonna sit? Wait a damn minute. Midoriya and Katsuki are going to have questions.  Fuckity Fuck. Maybe, if I ignore it, it'll go away. Right? Please?

And because the gods hate me, Katsuki walked into the room and made eye contact with me.

Yanno, It's been a long five years. He might not even remember me and-
Katsuki squinted and sat down.
I blinked rapidly. He didn't... he didn't recognize me. I mean, that's what I wanted, but ouch. Maybe it's the mask? Maybe the scar on my eyebrow threw him off? And I wasn't dying my hair with red streaks, back then. Why is dark hair so godsdamned hard to dye? But blonds just dip their hair in Kool-aid and it's pigmented as the drink? Not fair.

I got pulled back to the present by screaming.

Iida stood leering over Katsuki, who had his feet propped on the desk.
"Get your feet off the desk this instant! Our upperclassmen sat here, you will treat these seats with respect!" Iida yelled.

"Fuck off Extra!" Katsuki screeched back.
I winced covering my ears.

Don't hit them, don't hit them. You are calm, you are not-

"I said FUCK OFF!" Kat screeched.

"And I said get your feet off the desk!" Iida bit back.

"Oi, Fast and Furious, shut up." I groaned, holding my head in hand.

"What'd you say, Extra?" Kit Kat asked.

"Did I stutter, Pomeranian?" I responded not looking up.

Katsuki got up, getting a bit top close for friends. "Call me that again, Extra, I dare you."

I yawned. "Getting kinky, are we? Ne t'inquiète pas, je serais heureux d'expérimenter avec toi, salope perverse."

"What?" Katsuki blinked

"It's French, Pomeranian." I stretched my arms, seeing a familiar green head. "Oh, hey Midoriya!" I waved violently.

The Broccoli smiled a greeting at me nervously, muttering to himself.

A yellow sleeping bag rolled over to the door, a sleep deprived father figure breaking out of the cocoon.

"My name is Shoto Aizawa. I'm your teacher." He looked at the students. "It took eight seconds for all of you to shut up, that isn't going to work."

"Sorry sensai!" The class shouted.
It is a Monday morning. Calm your asses down, will ya?

Dadzawa pulled a uniform out of thin air, because I know he didn't shove then in that nasty crusty sleeping bag. "Now put these on and get ready."

Half an Hour Later...

Katsuki sent the ball flying.
Big yikes.

"705.2. That's the gist of it." Aizawa said nonchalantly pointing the screen out.

Test 1: Run Fast Hoe

I looked at Mina before we started, gave her a grin.

She returned it and got into runners position.

I just shifted into the Flash like normal.
Okay, don't go too fast. You don't want to be noticed quite yet.

Aizawa blew the whistle.

I ran, about medium speed. I crossed the line.

Mina came right behind me, about ten seconds later.
Or more. I have no concept of time.

"Kamiko, .1 seconds. Mina, half a minute!" Aizawa squinted at me.

"Oops?" I tried, shrugging guiltily.

Izuku and Bakugo went after us, poor Izuku getting a bit burned from Katsuki's explosions.

"Bakugo, 5 seconds. Midoriya, 20 seconds."

Izuku whimpered.
Katsuki just "tch"ed.

Test 2: Grip That Bitch

I didn't bother using my quirk. I just choked the motherfucker.
"94.32" It read.

Woo, I got a medium fucking score!

Test 3: Ditch the Evidence!

Who to turn into? I need a mid score.
I shifted into Hera. I grabbed the ball. I flicked it up.

"800.78!" Aizawa said calmly.
(A/N- ;) PJO fans get it.)

"You didn't use your full strength!" Katsuki protested.

I mock gasped. "Me, not use my full strength? On such an important task? No. Never!" I protested convincingly.

"Bullshit." He glared into my eyes. "You look familiar-"

My eyes widened. "Oh, I forgot I have to, uh, fold my dishes, excuse me." I bowed quickly and ran away.
I'm so dumb.

Test 4: What the Fuck?

I didn't bother shifting for this. Honestly, I
was just too lazy to.

Neeeeuuuum. Zoom Zoom motherfucker. I'm tired. Can I stop now? I want to stop now. What am I at? 1000 something.  Fuck it that's fine.

I stopped jumping back and forth.

"203." Aizawa said monotone.

BS! I mean, okay. But that's a damn lie.
I sat down.

15 minutes to an hour later...
I inhaled through my teeth looking at my score.

2. Shit. I fucked up, I was aiming for, like, 10.  I underestimated myself. Eh bien, putain
I glanced at a devastated Izuku and clucked my tounge,  sneaking over. I tapped him on the shoulder.

He yelped, swivling around. "Oh, uhhh. Hi uhhhh.... What's your name again?"

To reveal or not to reveal. Fuck it, let's get some dramatic reactions.
"Oh, Izuku, I'm hurt." I put a hand to my heart, feigning shock. "You don't remember me?"

He sweat dropped.

I pulled down the mask revealing my freckled nose and distinct golden lips.
I wonder if he'll be put off at all by the scar on my eyebrow and cheek.
"Afterall," I whisper, " it's only been five years, Broccoli boy."

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