Chapter 42: Run!

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I was fascinated by the beauty of Vista del Mar. Bright lights were scattered on the walls of the fancy restaurant where a red carpet was lying on the floor and a band was playing an unfamiliar love song in the background.

I remember, when I was in high school, we once went here with my teammates to a Science Festival. We were contestants in a regional level Science Quiz bee. Back in those days, I never thought I would come back here not for another quiz bee or for a vacation but because I was looking for my man.

Of course, to make it seem more realistic, I emptied one of Sofia's briefcases and brought it with me. Making me look like a tourist. Before heading to the receptionist, I looked up at the stars strewn in the sky. I breathed the cold wind in as I walked to my main target. "Good evening," I said in a stubborn tone.

I feel like I'm that one antagonist in a Korean drama. "Good evening, ma'am. Welcome to Vista del Mar." I can tell how fake this smile is compared to the intern in SRY hotel.

"Are you still open for reservations?" I was a complete snob. But he was even better. I can tell he's in his mid-fifties. Probably the owner since he's not wearing any uniform. Or maybe all his employees resigned because of this treatment they get from him.

"Obviously. We will put up a sign on the entrance if we're not," he was chewing a bubble gum. I rolled my eyes in my head. "Get me a room," he wants to play a game, huh? Let's see.

"What kind of room?"

"One with a bed, a television, a bathroom inside, and a closet."

"All our rooms offer those,"

"Get me the best one," At his age, he can manage to roll his eyes. Let's find out if you can keep chewing that gum of yours when your teeth start to fall out one by one.

I don't know why I'm being this mean. He's old. Yet, he's getting on my nerves. It's my first time to interact with an old man this harsh. Most of them are usually kind and would even take care of you. They'll talk to you as nicely as they can. Like my Grandmother. But this one's different.

"Sign here, put your name here, and write the date." He was chewing so loudly. One more word from him, and I'll really be throwing up with that gum in his mouth.

I grabbed the pen he handed to me, and instead of writing my name as he told me to, I scanned the names from the bottom to the top. Ven's name wasn't there. I sighed.


This calls for Plan B. I began counting in my head.





I began running as fast as I could with the folder in my arms. I can tell he was shocked without even looking at him. To my surprise, he wasn't following me.

But that didn't stop me. I saw the car's door open. Taylor and Sofia were trying their best to cheer me up. "Go Jaraiah!" They screamed. And I was able to catch up, sit back, and close the door as Taylor began driving.

"I got it!" I screamed in celebration.

"Woo Hoo!" They both clapped their hands. I was catching my breath, holding my chest and the other hand was holding the window. I opened the folder. It took me two more pages to scan before I found Ven's name.

"I found it!" I read it out loud. "He checked in on Friday afternoon and..." I paused for a second. "Yeah, as we expected: Checked out yesterday." I disappointedly said. It made all of us sigh in embitterment.

Taylor parked at a random highway, near a restaurant. "This means he's already in his house now."

"What?" Sofia asked.

"In the notebook, he told me that he saved up a lot of money to build a small house for himself. He's probably there by now." They both just bobbed a little.

"Question is, where is that house located?" Confusion was drawn on Taylor's face even if she wasn't looking at me.

"That's what we still need to find out. I'm sure the other clues are in the notebook." I said. "Let's all rest for now. We'll continue tomorrow. Thank you so much for the two of you-"

My words were cut off by a knock on the window at Taylor's side. "Okay, so... they did follow us."

"That old man must have called the police," Sofia said, clenching her fist.

Taylor began rolling it down. "Good evening ladies, can you please come with us to the police station?"

I don't want to push my pride down but this is all for the best. Just when I felt like she was about to play dumb and defend herself or begin driving out, I nodded at the policeman. "Sure, sir." I opened the door at my side as both their jaws dropped.

When the policeman tried to open the door for me, I gestured for him not to. I opened it by myself. Of course, my arrogance was still there. He occupied the shotgun seat and told the other officer to begin driving after Taylor and Sofia were also both forced to come in. I can tell both of them are in their mid-twenties. Probably fresh graduates.

"Don't tell me, you're plotting something," Sofia whispered. I wish I had a plan.

"No, this is all for the best. All I can think about right now is how we can find Ven as soon as possible. Thus, we already got what we needed. There's no need of running away." She sighed.

"You love him so much," good thing Taylor wasn't paying attention. She was just looking over the window.

I feel so sorry for both of them, being the one to bring them into this huge mess. But I can't say the words.

We made it to the nearest police station in no time. The moment we got out of the car, the old man was eyeing us already, shooting us a serious look. Then she said to Sofia, "Look what we got here, two-" he paused when he saw Taylor. "Oh, three hunters."

He laughed as he took the folder out of my hands before I could offer it to him. He's just lucky enough that there is no room for my conceit at this point for me to shut up and follow the officers as they led us to our cube, sentencing us to a 24-hour jail time 

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