Chapter 12: Party

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Parties aren't my thing. But since I want to show Ven that I have changed as a person, I want to do things he hasn't seen me do before. Just like this one. Attending a party.

"Bye, mom! Bye, dad!" I greeted them goodbye as I walked out of the house. "Hey! Come back here!" Here we go again. I heard my dad calling me from the back. I know what will happen next...

He would scold me for what I am wearing.

This is a part of showing how I've changed.

"What?" I calmly asked. When I completely looked at him, he frowned after scanning me from head to toe.

"Are you seriously going to the party like that?" He crossed his arms and put the tablet down. I nodded.

"You should let it slide. She looks good." Mom interrupted, but he didn't seem to listen.

"Good? Are you kidding me?"

"What's wrong?" I looked at me at the mirror beside me.

"Top of the class but does not know what is wrong with wearing a pink crop top and a short skirt with a tight belt?" He scolded. Should I take that as a scold? It sounds like one.

"You can go now, just for now. But next time, you should wear a different one." My dad was never this strict with me. Maybe it's part of growing up. I smiled.

"Yey! Thanks, dad!" I jumped a little in happiness and walked away.

In the background, I heard a man's voice through a microphone. I pressed my lips to stop myself from smiling when I recognized the words, the melody, and the beat of it.

🎵So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night. Oh, I go back to December all the time. It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine. Oh, I go back to December turn around and make it all right🎵

That's our song. We used to sing that ever since. When we first sang in karaoke together, we sang that. And since then, we sang it every first night of summer. Except for tonight. Because I am trying to avoid it.

I looked at them through the window happy. And he caught my eyes. I wanted to look away or run but I couldn't. He was too gorgeous sitting there. Looked like no other.

He smiled when he saw me and made a gesture as if he was telling me to get in and join them but I shook my head telling him I am all good and I am about to go to the party as I mentioned earlier. And he just nodded through that so I walked away and called for a taxi.

We arrived at the house of the party host earlier than I expected. And when we were there already, colored bright lights were flashing, loud music wrapped us around, and the decorations were scattered around the roof, the stalls, and the lamp posts.

I got out of the taxi after paying for my bill and didn't mind the change. I wasn't as excited as I was before when I saw Ven and his family enjoying the karaoke night. I don't know but I have no energy right now.

"Hey, girl! This is required." A long-haired guy was standing in the entrance room and he handed me a red cup filled with alcohol. I looked at it. Just the smell of it was enough to make me feel dizzy.

I wanted to throw it but he was looking at me so I took a sip. Just one sip but it already burned my lungs out. I made a sour face and he chuckled. "Come on! Don't kill the vibe! Finish it!"

I had no choice so I finished it though I hated the feeling it sent to me. Behind, I heard him screaming and cheering for me. "Woo! Go, girl! You got this," and when I put it down, he continued. "Yeah. Good job! More fun to come! The party hasn't started." He winked.

I handed him the cup back and walked away. That was not even that much but it already made me dizzy as if I was drunk.

I definitely should not go home alone.

Sofia told me she will come. But I can't find her anywhere. I scattered my eyes around to look for her but she was nowhere to be found. As if she vanished. I can't say she did. I haven't seen her since earlier at school.

"Hey!" A girl greeted me while smiling and handed me another red cup. "This is your obligation." I took it from her and faked a smile thinking she would leave but instead stayed and watched me until I finally had the courage to sip down all the amount of alcohol in it.

I heard her chuckling while saying, "that's good! More cups to come for you!" And yeah, I want to leave already.

The music was deafening me, the people dancing around were taking over the space and the couples making out were making me feel uncomfortable. The alcohol already hit hard on me.

I felt it when the table looked like it tilted but it really didn't.

Why am I still here when I can just walk out and leave?



I walked to the exit door but there was another guy planning to hand me another red cup. "What? You're leaving already? The game hasn't started!" He complained.

"I'm sorry. I'm already drunk." I said.

He shook his head in disappointment but kept the smirk written on his face. "Nah, sorry too. I can't let you get out unless the game is over!"

I rolled my eyes

I am starting to lose my patience again.

"Look, I already took two cups, okay? Isn't that enough yet?"

"That's not even half of the amount I already took. You're weak." He chuckled. I had him there for a moment. So I thought of one wrong thing as a drunk kid. Hurting him. But he was a big guy.

I didn't do it as a result. Or maybe I was just overthinking. But whatever. The thought was terrible.

Instead, I sat down on the sofa and waited for the game he was talking about to get started. I had no idea what it was but all I know is that it was the only way I can get out.

Yeah, I regret being here now.

But still, somehow, I know Ven is thinking about me because of being here. Partially, it worked. Partially, it didn't.

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