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A Percy POV!!! I promised for this to be long so I hope it's long enough because it took a loooonnnggg time to write... Enjoy!

High School is so boring but kind of fun in the same time.

Classes, homework, and exams are all boring and depressing, while hanging out with friends and joking around at lunch is fun.

Leo and I are already planning different pranks we could pull off. 

"Dude, there are these new guys called the Stolls brothers! They've already got ine week suspension and this is their first day! We've got some competition for the title, Water boy!" Leo exclaimed dramtically.

I rolled my eyes at the nickname. "How many times have I told you not to call me Water Boy, Leo."

"Sorry Aquaman!", he retorted with a smirk.

I ignored him and tuned my attention to the interesting conversation going on between Piper McLean and Jason. 

"So do you any siblings?"

"Um yeah, Thalia. You're best friend since you were twelve..."

"Oh sorry, I forgot?"

"Isn't the weather nice today?"

"Yes! I especially like extremely warm rainy days. They're very um... nice."

I tried to hide my laughter, when I heart a chuckle to my left. 

Annabeth finally looking up from her hook, was listening to the interesting conversation with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

I leaned towards her and whipered, "They're so oblivious... do you think it's contagious?"

Annabeth snorted, "Oviously. Considering the way Calypso and Rachel look at you."

Seeing my unfazed expression, Annabeth asked, "You already know?"


"And you're not doing anything about it?", she asked suprised.

"What is there to do?" 

"Oh... I thought you might like Rachel," she answered. 

"Well I did in 6th grade. Not anymore though. I want to focus on finding my soulmate, and to not date in the meantime," I said truthfully.

She stared at me for a while, her grey eyes calculating my every move, as if trying to figure me out. "Me too. Back in San Francisco I kind of liked my best friend Luke. He even asked me out once, but I refused because of my soulmate."

Then she chuckled and continued, "My soulmate better be worth it."

"Tell me more about this Luke. Are you sure he wasn't your soulmate?"

"No, my soulmate tattoo and Luke don't match sadly," she answered, not meeting my eyes.

"Guys? Are you gonna include us in yout top secret conversation? Because we wanna know too," a female voice said across from us.

I turned to face Thalia Grace as she glared at me accusingly.

Hey! What did I do?!?!

Before any one could say anything else, the bell rang signalling Lunch was over.

Everyone stood up and walked off to their next class, but I followed a certain curly haired blonde

"Annabeth wait!!!", I called out to her. 

She turned around and locked eyes on me. I could feel the stares of multiple students on us which made me a little uncomfortable.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place later. Jason was supposed to invite Piper to come and Leo is coming too. We could hang out, maybe watch a movie..." I said. For some weird reason I really wanted Annabeth to come over. 

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