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Extremely late chapter! Sorry! Anyways, Enjoy!

I had a really bad morning. First, Drew wouldn't stop annoying me and trying to get me to go on a date with her.

Then, I got a D on my math test.

I hate Ms. Dodds.

And now, I'm sitting in the cafeteria waiting for Leo, Jason, and Frank and eating crap.

I sighed and started eating this weird and mushy purple and green paste and some frozen mystery meat, the worst part was it wasn't blue.

I took a bite and I immediately felt the urge to throw up. It tasted like fish, shoes, mushroom, raw egg, and eggplant mixed together. I looked around to see other students also frowning at the food but continued eating.

How can they eat this... stuff?, I thought and tried to eat the frozen mystery meat.

No luck.

"I'm sorry, Aquaman. Not everything tastes as good as Sally's cooking.", a voice said behind followed by a few chuckles.

"Shut up, Repair Boy.", I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, Percy has very high standards.", Jason said teasingly.

Kind of true though.

"How are you guys even joking?!?! Have you tasted this stuff!!!", I exclaimed loudly, earning a few glares from the tables around us.

"At least it's... food.", Frank said, trying to reassure me.

"I wouldn't even call this food, Giant Chinese Canadian Baby Man.", Leo answered after taking a bite of frozen mystery meat. "This is probably all our previous lunches mixed together."

"How?!?! It's the second day of Junior year!", I asked in disbelief.

"I'm guessing this is from... last year.", Jason answered with disgust. 

"Wow... what's going on here?", a female voice asked from behind us.

All four of us turned to face Thalia, who asked the question, Piper (Jason is blushing like crazy), and the pretty judo-flipping new girl, Annabeth Chase.

Thalia was smirking at us while Piper looked like she was about to laugh. Annabeth looked like she didn't care.

"You guys look like you're about to puke.", Piper said matter of factly.

I finally noticed how green we all looked.

No styx, Apollo.

"You're going to want to when you try this.", I grumbled.

"Oh we don't have to!", Piper started cheerfully, "I asked my chef this morning to make enough sushi for me and my two besties here! So we're eating that instead."

Leo looked like he was about to murder someone.

"BUT I WANNA EAT ANYTHING THAT ISN'T THIS!!!", he whined loud enough for the entire cafeteria to hear.

"Shut up Leo! People are staring.", Jason hissed.

"I don't care.", he answered.

"Piper I'm hungry.", Annabeth said, speaking for the first time.

Her grey eyes shone with greed as she eyed the box containing the sushi. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail which made her princess curls bouce on her shoulders. 

Princess curls?

"There are no tables left, so can we sit with you guys?", Piper asked, sitting down next to Jason who blushed and suddenly started to look extremely interested in his food.

"Sure.", I said smirking at Jason who was still blushing.

While the girls ate their sushi, my gaze locked on Annabeth's as she and I ate our lunch. Her eyes averted to the far corner of the cafeteria then locked on mine again. I turned to where she looked at and saw three empty tables.

I smirked and looked over at Piper who was discreetely staring at Jason.

Annabeth and I both looked at each other again and we both sent each other a silent message.

"I ship."

"We should make a group chat.", Thalia suggested, holding out her phone.

"I'll create it.", I volunteered, and everybody gave me their numbers.

I couldn't help but smile, when Annabeth typed hers.

What's going on with me?

That's it!!! Thanks to everyone that comments and votes on this story! It really encourages me to continue writing. Byeeee!


Group thread:

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