21. Chapter Twenty-One.

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Verona immediately released her hold on me and exchanged a few words with Dimitri in Italian before departing to investigate what was happening, presumably concerning my father at the front gate.

My gaze shifted to Dimitri, his eyes reflecting deep concern for me.

"I promise you, baby girl, that he won't get near you or our son," Dimitri assured me, walking over and placing a soothing kiss on my head. He then tenderly pulled me and our son into his protective embrace, providing a sense of security and warmth that I so dearly needed in that moment.

"I want to see him," I assured Dimitri, my determination evident in my voice.

Dimitri regarded me with understanding in his eyes. "I understand that he's your father, Rena, and I recognize the special bond you share as father and daughter. But if you feel that you aren't..." His words trailed off, but I interrupted him promptly.

"No, I want to see him, Dimitri," I assured once again, my resolve unwavering. His nod of acceptance conveyed his support for my decision.

With a nod of his own, Dimitri leaned in and whispered a few words in Italian to his men, who promptly carried out his instructions and disappeared into the distance, leaving me with a sense of anticipation for the reunion with my father.

Nervousness coursed through me as I prepared to see my father again after nearly ten months of being apart since I had run away. I was well aware that finding me wouldn't be a challenge for him; all he needed to do was locate Dimitri. Although Dimitri wasn't easy to find, it made my father's search for me relatively straightforward.

I had a deep desire to let him know about his grandson. The truth would come out eventually, so why not now? I could only hope that my father would be understanding and not as difficult as he had been in the past.

Verona returned swiftly, taking Demitrius from my arms, a gesture for which I was thankful. I wanted to approach my father with the news slowly, preparing him for the revelation before he laid eyes on the baby for the first time.

I made my way to the front door, with Dimitri walking alongside me. Stepping outside, we both watched as a few cars drove onto Dimitri's vast estate.

My heart raced within my chest, and the nervousness on my face was impossible to hide. Dimitri sensed my anxiety and reassured me with a tender kiss on my forehead once again, a gesture meant to convey that everything would be alright.

As one of the cars came to a halt at our feet, I held my breath, bracing for the unexpected. The car door swung open, and immediately, my father stepped out, his smile as bright as the sun, tears streaming down his face. It was a moment filled with emotions and uncertainty as our reunion began to unfold.

"My princess," he whispered, his voice filled with joy and affection.

Tears flowed down my face, their presence surprising me as I took in the sight of my father after such a prolonged separation. Without hesitation, he opened his arms, and I immediately ran into them, just as I had always been—a daddy's girl, no matter what had transpired in the past.

"Daddy," I exclaimed, embracing him tightly and breathing in his familiar scent as he held me in a loving, secure embrace. Kisses rained down upon my cheeks, and I reveled in the warmth and comfort of my father's arms, cherishing this long-awaited reunion.

"I missed you, Layla," he whispered deeply, his voice brimming with emotion.

He gently set me back on the ground but continued to hold my hand, his eyes studying me with a mixture of concern and affection.

"You've gained weight, Layla, and you look a little tired, but nevertheless, you're still as gorgeous as ever, my princess," my father complimented, a smile forming on my lips in response.

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