20. Chapter Twenty.

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I wore a tired yet contented smile as I observed Verona and the twins shower our precious baby with boundless love and attention. It had been an entire three days since I brought our child into the world, and it was evident that our little one had swiftly become the focal point of everyone's universe.

Verona's protective instincts were on full display as she cradled the baby close to her heart, while the twins gracefully took on the roles of adoring uncles.

I marveled at the beautiful bond forming before my eyes, filled with gratitude for the unwavering support and affection of our loving family during this extraordinary time.

However, Verona's protective nature reached its limit, and she addressed the twins with a gentle but firm tone, "Alright, that's enough for now, you two. The baby needs some peace and quiet."

The twins wore matching scowls, their voices filled with a tinge of frustration. "It's not fair to be mean like this, Verona," they chimed in, clearly upset that Verona was monopolizing all the precious time with the baby.

Verona's patience seemed to be running thin as she fixed a stern gaze on the twins. "Call me Verona again," she warned, her tone laced with a no-nonsense attitude, "and you two will find yourselves on the next bus to college."

Still cradling our little one, Verona turned to me, her expression softening. "Rena," she addressed me with a gentler tone, "I'd like to feed the baby this time. You've been doing so much, and it's my turn to take care of him." Her desire to share in the nurturing responsibilities spoke volumes about her dedication as a parent and her love for our child.

You would think it was her baby.

A smile naturally graced my lips as I observed Verona's unwavering determination, and I handed her the baby pump with gratitude. "Thank you, Verona," I expressed, touched by her eagerness to share in caring for our precious little one, "I truly appreciate your invaluable help and the love you shower upon our baby."

Verona's response was resolute, her tone tinged with pride, "Well, he's my grandson after all."

She cradled the baby in her arms, a fusion of possessiveness and tenderness in her gaze as she prepared to feed our precious bundle of joy.

In walked Dimitri, his presence exuding a fondness and pride that was unmistakable. With a gentle reach, he extended his arms to take our son from Verona's embrace.

There was a fleeting hesitation on Verona's part, her possessiveness still evident, but she ultimately entrusted the baby into Dimitri's care before quietly stepping away. The room seemed to overflow with the profound love and family bonds that surrounded our growing family.

Dimitri cradled our son with utmost tenderness, his warm smile directed at me. "How are you feeling, baby girl?" he inquired, his voice laced with genuine concern.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I gazed at him, grateful for his presence and the brief respite it offered. "I'm tired, Dimitri," I admitted, weariness weighing me down, "but seeing you with our son makes it all worth it. We're both doing well."

Dimitri's concern remained evident as he gently advised, "You should be resting."

I couldn't help but frown in response. "I've been confined to this bed for the past three days, Dimitri," I protested, my frustration evident, "even my feet are starting to go numb. You're taking the doctor's orders far too seriously with this strict bed rest."

"Hmm," he murmured, sweetly cooeing at his boy and for a moment I swore I saw a small smile from his son.

It marked the second occasion today when I had the pleasure of witnessing that radiant smile on his face, and it was a sight to behold. Curiously, it seemed that this smile was reserved solely for moments when his father was in close proximity.

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