Chapter five

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Arab's pov...
I glanced down at my phone, lost in the quandary of whether to reach out to her, or ghost her entirely. It was the millionth time I'd wrestled with this dilemma, but today just like two weeks ago, the "not" option was looking mighty tempting.

The thought of ignoring her sent a rush of conflicted adrenaline through me. I was on the edge, torn between what my heart was telling me and what my head was warning me. It was a battle of wills, and I had to make a choice, I can't let my mate go and I'm sketchy about having her...

If you haven't already guessed the reason... It's because I'm Arab vertigo.

She is too bright and jolly for my world and she already is my weak point, it's only a matter of time before my enemies find out about her and try to use her against me, if I accept the mate bond now, she'd be stuck with a Demon all her life.

A depressed Demon, a scared one. A livid red-eyed demon even though it's buried deep within me - it's still me, regardless.

The thought alone strengthened my resolve to not accept her but deep down I know that when it's 6pm today I'd be out in the human world, stalking my mate till she's safely home like I've been doing for days now. I can't stay away from her for too long, I'd start to fall ill and physically weak plus I'm already obsessing over her.

I know, I'm a creep now.

"You still haven't told me anything, Arab. Is Emily really your mate?" The air crackled with tension as Shiloh sank into the chair across from me, letting out a loud huff. His body language said it all - he was ready for a showdown that i honestly want no part of.

"What Don't you believe? That I have a mate? Or that I found my mate" I gritted out, clearly faustrated with Everything that is going on and Shiloh's curiousness.

"No, I just can't believe that you found your mate and you let her be. It's been two weeks and you look at your phone every second-- like right now-- like you want to do something you don't want to. Does that even make sense?" I sighed at his rambling and even though he's right I ignore him.

"Don't wanna talk about it, leave!!" I beseeched, wanting some Alone time like I've been doing ever since I met Emily, With a sigh and a short glare he walked out my office, muttering something about how I always don't wanna talk about it.

I gripped my hair with a sigh before getting back to work.
I'm unusually faustrated and on edge today, I'm reaching the limits of the distance between I and my mate.

I got to understand from Aria that Camilla and Emily were besties for nearly two decades. All the while, Camilla and Aria were keeping a huge secret from Emily about their identity. But when Camilla met her mate, Shiloh, she had to choose between her mate and her best friend, choosing Shiloh meant keeping an extremely low profile and literally staying away from the human world.

I don't really blame Camilla though, even though she made Emily go through pain by leaving her.

"Just like you are doing" My beast throated out, making his forbidden presence known once again after years of hiding at the back of my mind. "Remember what happened the last time we didn't agree on a matter? Want a repeat of the past? Arabdan?" He asked tauntingly in a low beastly voice as I grip my head trying to prevent the painful memories from unleashing. His full ominous presence and voice washed me with a primal fear.

Is it possible to be afraid of yourself!?

I groaned.

This is why I don't want to accept the mate bond, wouldn't want Emily to see the monster I can't control.

"Go away, Leave me alone" I roared falling to my knees, my breathing coming out short and fast.

He churted and said "I'm here to make peace, after all you are my human counterpart" he revealed obviously being sarcastic about making ''peace''. "we need mate!! Get mate!! Or else". He snarled in warning filling me with more fear. To get his message through he battled with me for control and dominance.

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