Chapter two

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Emily's pov

After downing an extensive amount of alcohol last night while watching the few interviews my crush had attended and licking most of his pictures, I awoke with an atrocious hangover this morning.

And No, I didn't wake up on the bed. Nope, I awoke, rather unceremoniously, in my bathroom, leaning against the wall, face to face with my own...ahem...previous meal. Not the most glamorous of mornings, to say the least.

I'm never getting drunk over my crush again.

Nahhh, Scratch that. remove the 'never' from the sentence above, cause I'm sure as hell doing it again.

It's a world known fact that after my douche ex husband divorced me three years ago because I apparently, embarrass him all the time (his loss). I've had it hard for a certain independent young man who is out_of_this_world_handsome and filthy rich.

Well I love him from afar now because the last time I tried stalking him, I got in a fight with one of his other stalker who came for the same reason as I did.

He didn't even come that day so we ended up fighting right in front of the company because we blamed each other for his absence.

When it comes to Arab Vertigo I'm doing anything and everything even though he doesn't know me and probably won't.

I laughed out at the thought and immediately winced and stopped laughing when I realized I sounded like a wheezing pig.

Painfully I dragged myself off the ground, took care of the disgusting puke, cleaned up, ate and took some aspirin for my headache then got ready for work today.

it's already 11am, my Cafe opens at 5am and as you already know I'm really late but fashionable late anyway and besides I'm the boss of me.

I know

I know

That's no excuse To be late but well you know the reason.

I grabbed a black sweatpants and a green hoodie, paired with a white Snickers and got out of the house. I drove my Expensive car to my Cafe which is literally a 5min walk but because I have a car and wanted to show it off all the time I drove there and packed in the garage, then I got inside with a proud sway of my imaginary wide hips.

"Morning ma'am, you are early as always" my Barista, Gina exclaimed with a sarcastic smile on her face.

"Of course. I am never late but on the other hand i know my Cafe is in good hands, so I can come whenever I please, right?" I asked, playing along

"you are so hardworking and sweet ma'am, of course it's in good hands" Gina snorted with a mock 'at rest' soldier salute and we bursted out laughing. I and Gina had met at a train station and became friends after the guy sitting beside us had made a nasty comment about BTS and we put him in his place.

"So how is it going?" I asked looking around, everywhere looked tidy and clean and most of the tables are already occupied.

Regardless of the fact that I started this cafe four months ago, it's been going well and we have Alot of regulars now, over all I'm proud of myself.

The waiters and waitresses are busy with serving the people with their orders.

"Oh, it's been good. Y'know that rich man who's a regular on here right? The Larry guy. he got a reservation last week__I told ya bout it" she said accusingly when she saw the lost look on my face, although I don't remember having that conversation with her I still nod and said

"oh, yes I recall now" I lied smoothly, even nodding my head as if I really just remembered.

"Well he got the reservation for today, he'd be here soon" she said going back to grinding the coffee she was grinding. I nod and walked past her and into the small room behind the counter.

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