Chapter 17: Vita Nova

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I stared at the streets below, mystified, as our speeder raced through the air. Beneath us stood shops and restaurants and apartments and bars, sellers shouting things and all sorts of creatures chatting together. It was fascinating but overwhelming. Around us, other speeders flew by, heading to wherever else in the world they could be going.

In the distance rose the Senate building's dome and I recalled the many scenes taking place inside it, and the senators in there: Padme Amidala, Bail Organa, Orn Free Taa, Jar Jar Binks, Halle Burtoni, Riyo Chuchi...

And Palpatine . Against my will, I gritted my teeth as a wave of terror and anger rolled over me. He wasn't just a movie villain anymore. He was going to hurt real people now, not just paid actors on a screen.

So many emotions, most of them too much for words, began to overwhelm me, and I felt sick inside.

No, no, I can't have an anxiety attack now, I'm about to talk to the council, can this wait? I inhaled softly, remembering Kix's soft breaths as he calmed me. Think about something else. Think about... think about Marvel! Yeah! Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff and T'Challa and Loki. We're gonna save everyone. We're gonna be alright. Breathe, breathe, breathe...



I inhaled and exhaled softly and the panic rising in me began to drift away. Once more, I touched the overwhelming joy radiating off the clones' Force signatures and let it calm me.

I looked up to catch Obi-Wan watching me with concern, looking over the back of his seat. "What?"

"Are... you okay?"

I paused for a moment. Was I? The only thing I knew I was feeling was confusion. Everything else was.... Muddled, in a way. Finally, I settled on, "sure. Just a little worried."

He nodded, turning his gaze back to the buildings passing by. "That's to be expected. I remember how confused and scared Anakin was when he first arrived here, and he hadn't just lost his whole pla—" Obi-Wan snapped his jaw shut before he could finish the sentence, and I pretended not to notice what he'd almost said. It would hurt less that way.

"What am I gonna say to the council?" I put my arms on the back of his seat and buried my face in the sleeves of my jean jacket. I'd never understood Amethyst's obsession with the thing, it (along with most other jean jackets) was uncomfortable as all hell. But there was no way I was taking it off now.

"Well, I assume you should give them some context, some background information about where you come from... you should definitely tell them about how you know all this about us, and maybe a quick rundown of events leading to the... um... fall... of the Republic and what happens after."

"I just feel like I'll forget something really important , or say something that could get them all killed!"

"I assure you, the Jedi Council won't rush blindly into something. We'll listen to you. If you say something could get everyone killed, then we'll reassess the situation. As for forgetting things, I could give you... prompts? Will that work?"

I nodded worriedly, shutting my eyes tightly. A hand touched my back and I opened my eyes to see Echo watching me with sad eyes. "What?"

"I may not be a Jedi, but I can tell you're scared," he said softly.

I nodded again, looking away.

"It's alright. I would be too." He opened his arms a little bit, and I realized he was offering a hug, which I gladly accepted, digging my fingers into his back and nestling my face in his neck.

The Benevolence of the Force by Spiritofthesky4 (WILL RETURN)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora