Chapter 4: Cenare

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Somehow, snow was coming down even harder than it had been before when we pulled into the driveway of my house. The lights in the windows were promises of warmth and safety and most importantly, food.

I stepped out of the truck before opening the door for Ahsoka, Lula, and Echo. Lula panted and barked happily, her way of saying, damn, these people are great . I scratched her head and her tailed waved frantically.

The boys in the back of the truck hopped out. Hardcase rubbed his neck apologetically. "I hope I didn't mess up your deer too bad. Just checking, but you do have other food, just in case, right?"

"Yes, I do. But don't worry about the deer. It's probably fine. Aside from being dead."

Hardcase grinned, his tattoos barely visible in the dim light. "Great!"

"Alright, everyone inside," I said. "Let's not spend any more time in this snow."

I unlocked the door and ushered the Jedi and troopers inside.

"Welcome to my humble abode," I announced, gesturing at the atrium before us. It was a huge space with tons of windows that kept the room warm with sunlight during the day. The sides of the room were practically covered in plants, little pools of water between them. Beyond that lay the kitchen, and the dining room that looked into the atrium from a slightly elevated platform.

"Impressive," said Echo. "Is all this just yours?"

"Yep. It's just me and Lula here, although my friends often take trips up here to stay a night or two. Hence the guest bedroom."

"Wow, it's practically a mansion." Fives whistled appreciatively.

"And we get to stay here for tonight?" Tup asked excitedly.

I led them through the atrium to the kitchen.

"Yeah. Actually, you can stay 'til your ship is fixed if you want."

"Really?" Anakin chimed in. "That would be awesome!"

"We wouldn't want to intrude, though," Obi-Wan added. "Only if you really want us to."

"Are you kidding? It would be awesome to have the god-damned 501st legion staying in my house. You guys are absolutely welcome. Also, where else would you guys be sleeping? Outside? I think not."

I placed my boots by the back door and my coat in the closet. I flicked a switch by the fireplace, and it roared to life. The boys were getting comfortable on the double couches. They'd taken off the top half of their armor, showcasing the Republic symbol on the top half of their blacks, and Anakin and Obi-Wan appeared to be trying to play Dejarik on the chess board that was stowed away on one of the bookshelves. Surprisingly, it looked like it was working. Back in the kitchen, which now only held Kix, I opened the fridge and surveyed the contents as my new guests warmed themselves before a now-raging fire.

What to eat, what to eat, what to eat... wait, what am I doing? There's a deer carcass in the truck.

"Does anyone want to help me with dinner?" I requested. Echo and Ahsoka dashed in, and Kix jumped up from where he was seated at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Do any of you guys know how to butcher animals?" I asked as I led the trio to the atrium, after introducing the rest of them to the television and giving a warning to please not break anything.

"I can!" Ahsoka grinned, showcasing very sharp teeth.

"Echo, can you help Ahsoka butcher the deer? The shed is right around the side of the house, there are tools there. Once you guys are done, bring the meat inside. I can put it in the freezer."

The Benevolence of the Force by Spiritofthesky4 (WILL RETURN)Where stories live. Discover now