Characters of the Dark Side of London

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Aurora Bennett (19): Daughter and heir to the Londinium Coven. Skilled in elemental magic and one of the best warriors in the coven. Fiercely loyal to her Coven and brother, she finds the strain of her mother's ambitions is causing a rift between not only their family but among the other coverns as well.

Antony Bennett(19): Twin brother of Aurora and viscount Savage

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Antony Bennett(19): Twin brother of Aurora and viscount Savage. He was equally skilled in elemental magic, but was better suit with a book then a sword. He was skilled in archery and knowledge. Protective of his sister and his family, he would do anything to make sure that his sister was happy and safe.

Edwina Bennett(45): Cailleach of the Londinium coven and dowager viscountess

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Edwina Bennett(45): Cailleach of the Londinium coven and dowager viscountess. She can trace her family's lineage the ancient druids of Celtic Britain. Mother of three children; Octavia, Antony, and Aurora. She fiercely protective of her children and would do anything to see them succeed her in both the witch and human world. Ambitious, she sees the covens as far superior to their werewolf counterparts. Ever since her eldest daughter's disappearance, and the death of her mate; she has become increasingly paranoid and her hatred of the werewolf has only grown. She believes that both werewolves and vampyres were savages and deserved only death.

Marcellus (Marcel) Godwinson (25): Alpha to the Briton pack, the oldest wolf pack in all of Great Britain

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Marcellus (Marcel) Godwinson (25): Alpha to the Briton pack, the oldest wolf pack in all of Great Britain. He was elected the king of the werewolves after 200 years of peace was brought about between the wolf packs. Alive for 300 years, his only mission was to save the packs from Edwina Bennett's mission and to find the mate that had alluded him for the 300 years.

Carter Morris (25): Beta to Marcellus Godwinson, he is fiercely loyal to both the Briton pack and Marcellus

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Carter Morris (25): Beta to Marcellus Godwinson, he is fiercely loyal to both the Briton pack and Marcellus. He has risen from through the ranks of Briton pack like his father before him. He sees Marcellus as a big brother.

Valeria Morris (19): Younger sister of Carter Morris, fiercely loyal to the Briton pack and her older brother

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Valeria Morris (19): Younger sister of Carter Morris, fiercely loyal to the Briton pack and her older brother. She is one of the top experts in British werewolf packs, the bookish type. She wants her pack to survive and thrive under Marcellus Godwinson. Going to university for teaching, she hopes to find her mate and settle down.

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