"So what do we do now?" I yell.

"We keep searching. Let's head into that direction" Jasmine yells back, while pointing towards our left.

I nod. The girls transform in lionesses again and start running. I give my Ikran the command to fly again.


We've searched for hours now. It's already after eclipse and the girls want to head back. But I wanna keep searching, I just have to find my girl..

"Neteyam, I'm so sorry. But we're not gonna find her today. I promise you we'll search again tomorrow" Danique says, while squeezing my shoulder a little. Probably to give me some form of comfort.

I sigh and let my head down. "Okay"

Danique communicates to the girls that we're heading back. Then, we all turn around.

"Are you okay?" Danique asks after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't think you guys realise how bad I feel right now" I respond lowly.

"Believe me, we do. We're all practically sisters. And the last time we lost one of us, we didn't see her for seventeen years. So you're not the only one who feels like shit"

I sigh. "But I should've been there with her, protecting her"

"And again, you're not the only one who feels that way"

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"She will probably never confess it to you, she's too stubborn for that. Or "too proud" as she will call it. But Jasmine feels responsible too, like you. The thing you just said to me is probably the same thing she's thinking right now. You guys may "hate" eachother, but when it comes to Y/N you both are pretty much the same"

I think about that for a second. "I mean, I don't hate her, I think. I just don't trust her"

"But I don't get that! I mean, you are so kind and good for everyone. We can all see that. Not only for Y/N, but also for your siblings. And Jasmine is sweet and caring and motherly. If you two would just talk to eachother and give eachother a chance, then we could be such a stronger team. And Y/N would also love it"

I turn my head to her and see her smiling widely. She knows she just pulled the Y/N card and that it will effect me.

I shake my head and laugh a little. "Okay, I'll talk to her tomorrow" I say.

Danique throws her arms in the air. "YES!" She yells. We both laugh at her actions.

"You know, Y/N is very lucky with a boyfriend like you. I wish I had someone who cared so much for me"

I smile. "Thank you"

After thirty more minutes of flying and just having a casual conversation, we arrive back at the village.

We all go to our tents and go to sleep.

Although I don't think I'll sleep good tonight..




That's all I can see.

Everything is black.

I try to open my eyes, but it doesn't work. As if they're trying to protect me from seeing shit I don't wanna see.

I try to move, but I can't. Everything hurts. I think I'm tied up, beacuse I feel ropes tight around my body. It fucking hurts like Hell.

There are muffled sounds around me. But I don't think it's coming from the room I'm in. They're coming from outside. I think I hear people talking, but I'm not sure.

But then, I hear a door open. Footsteps are coming my way. I try to open my eyes again, but everything is blurry.

A big, dark figure is walking towards me. I try to get up, but the ropes are not letting me.

"Oh, you're finally awake I see" I hear a male voice say. It's still muffled though.

He puts his big hand on my forehead to push me back down on the bed or table I'm laying on, I can't tell what it is exactly. I just shut my eyes again, not wanting to see whoever is standing beside me.

"Don't try to escape" He threateningly says. "'Cause I'm not done with you yet, cupcake"


JDHFHRH THE CLIFFHANGER AGAINNN I just love it. I promised you guys that I had some crazy, but really good ideas on how to continue this story and make it more exciting, so here it starts;)

I hope you enjoy it! The next chapters are gonna be crazyyyyy!! Oh and I wanted Danique and Neteyam to bond a little bit as friends. I thought that would be really cute:)

Take good care of yourselves!

Lot's of love,


Yellow Eyes (Neteyam x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang