one night - chat noir x reader

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You sigh as you climb onto the roof of your small apartment. You and your boyfriend had gotten into a fight, again. As much as you wish you did, you don't love him anymore, though you feel guilty after all he's done for you. He stuck by your side through so much, and it breaks your heart realizing the spark you two had is simply no longer there. As you sit on the roof, your head full of your thoughts, you suddenly hear a loud thud coming from behind you.

"AGH!" You hear someone yell, and you quickly turn around. As you turn you see Paris' famous superhero, Chat Noir, laying flat on his stomach. You burst into laughter, forgetting all about your complex romantic drama. After all, it's not every day a superhero falls onto your rooftop.

"I thought cats always landed on their feet," you state as the hero scrambles to get up.

"I guess you could say I fell for you, m'lady," the cat winks at you, and you feel a blush creep onto your face. "All jokes aside, I noticed you were upset just now. As Paris' favorite superhero, it is my duty to ask what might be bothering you on this purr-fect evening."

You sigh again. "Perfect is definitely not the right word to describe tonight. My boyfriend and I fought. Again."

"Ah, a boyfriend. Not surprising for a pretty girl like you. Why anyone would disagree with you though, now that's surprising. Would you like to talk about it?"

Chat looks at you with such compassion and interest that you suddenly feel compelled to tell him everything. And you do. You and Chat Noir spend the whole night, dusk 'till dawn, just talking. Even though you had never had a conversation with him until tonight, you felt so safe with him. So protected and cared for. You tell him all about your relationship issues, your fears and your dreams.

You know he can't open up about his personal life, but he listens and gives good advice. You were surprised by this new persona. It's so different from the flirty and charismatic hero that all Parisians know and love.

Little did you know, this one night would lead to so many more rooftop conversations, which eventually grew into and daily conversations and picnics and romantic dates. After you ended things with your boyfriend, of course, which ended in a mutual decision that the relationship you had was simply not working anymore, and the two of you had gone back to being friends and continued being there for each other. You and Chat Noir however, became much more than friends.

A/N: SUPER BEST FRIENDS ❤️ no i'm just kidding

After many long nights and rooftop conversations, Chat Noir had finally revealed his identity to you. He thought he owed it to you after all you had opened up to him about. After learning his identity, you two's relationship blossomed and you became known to Paris as Adrien Agrestes lovely girlfriend. Of course, nobody knew about Chat Noir so you and his alter ego stayed private, which you didn't mind. It was nice having some alone time together after all the publicity that comes with dating a world-famous model.

Now you didn't know it then, but that one night would be the most meaningful night of your entire life.

A/N: my first oneshot! how did i do? please place any suggestions here or wherever you think i can improve! if you have any requests, please leave them here as well. i hope you enjoyed! ❤️

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