"You seem to have experience with training others," Bruce said, as Perseus walked up to them.

"I teach a few classes in my free time," she replied.

She shot Dick a quick grin, like it was an inside joke only he understood, and it made his skin buzz a little. He knew she'd have to tell them eventually that she was a demigod and the classes she mentioned were actually survival skill sessions complete with magical moving dummies and spars to the 'death', but for now he enjoyed the idea of him being the only one privy to her secret.

Bruce hummed. "What other weapons are you proficient in?"

Perseus looked at him, a hand coming up to the back of her neck. "Knives, spears...most things that aren't bows or guns, really, but I'm best with a sword."

"What about hand-to-hand?" Bruce pressed, looking thoughtful.

She shrugged. "I'm no martial artist, but I'm not bad either. And I've wrestled, I guess. Why?"

Bruce hummed again but didn't answer. Instead, he turned, cape swishing, and walked back to his computer. Perseus watched him go with a slightly confused frown and looked at Dick for clarification.

"He does that," Dick sighed, knowing that it was less Bruce being purposefully cryptic and more just a bad habit the man had of never properly finishing his thoughts, "You get used to it eventually."

"Does that mean I get to come here again?" she grinned.

She said it teasingly, half joking, but it made him pause.

Just like the manor, the cave was his home. He had grown up down here, spent hours training with Bruce and fighting with his siblings, had bled and been stitched up so many times he lost count. This is where Robin had been born, and he wanted to share it with her.

"Whenever you want," he replied, with a soft smile.

Perseus's smirk wavered. "Did Batman approve that?"

If she wasn't going to wait for permission to tell him something that could get her in trouble, then Dick was going to return the favor.

"I'll convince him," he said, watching her ears turn red.

"I should—" she broke eye contact, clearing her throat nervously, "—go, I have to visit my mom." Then, seeing the instantly concerned look on his face, she continued hastily, "She knows I'm not dead, but I should see her anyway."

Dick shook his head, exasperated. "Alright, I'll walk you out."

"You're staying?" she tilted her head, as he led them back to the zeta tube.

"I have to talk to B, remember?"

Dick turned to the panel and typed in a series of new commands.

"You don't have to," she blurted out, from her place on the platform, "I was only joking. I don't mind if this was just a one-time—"

"Sef," he interrupted, making her stop short, "I was being serious. I want you here."

She looked a little stunned, shifting her feet as she stared back. He watched her reaction, keeping his body language completely genuine, before finally, her lips twitched up.

"And if he says no?" she asked.

Dick smirked and pressed the final button to turn on the teleporter.

"I'll fight him."

The last thing he saw was her bright grin before the zeta beam scanned her form, called out Perseus B38, and swept her away.

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