Chapter 11

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A.N. Just wanted to let you guys know, there's some brief descriptions of torture about halfway through this chapter, starting with the heading "Anacapa Island, 7:25 AM PST (UTC-7:00)". It's gone after the next line break, so feel free to skip it if it'll bother you! 

Scanning the buildings around her for observers and finding none, Percy swung gently into her unlocked window. She pulled the curtains shut behind her and collapsed into her sofa.

The last week of her life had been the most bored she'd felt in a long while, and she wasn't ashamed to admit that the absence of a certain dark-haired superhero probably had something to do with it. Nightwing had told her that he had some out-of-town business to take care of and that he'd be back in two weeks at most and to not burn down the city while he was gone.

Percy had laughed and said that she'd try, but no promises. To which the other hero had replied, "Don't worry, I trust you with our city."

And hadn't that made Percy's stomach do funky things.

It hasn't been all that uneventful, at least. She'd stopped a few robberies, muggings, and drug deals, and in the process, had drawn the attention of the BHPD, who finally seemed to have caught on to the second vigilante running around the city. So far, they'd only heard about her from the criminals she'd turned in, but she figured it wouldn't be long before she met an officer or two.

In any case, though, she had only made it a week without Nightwing's company before she felt inconsolably bored. She spent her days at either Camp Half-blood or Jupiter or New Rome, training or trying to hang out with her friends, but it seemed like most of them were occupied, busy with jobs and other responsibilities.

Once again, Percy felt left out. Her outings as Perseus left her little time to juggle a full-time job but also too much time that she didn't know how to spend. She didn't know how other heroes did it, balance both parts of their lives without being consumed by one side or the other.

Percy chewed her lip and pulled out her phone, scrolling through her contacts. She longed for interaction but didn't want to come off as clingy to her friends. Her eyes swept over the a's, b's, and c's before she suddenly tapped her finger on the screen to stop the moving list. She only considered it for a second before making the decision.

hey cuz, you free for lunch tomorrow? haven't seen you in a while :)

Her phone buzzed with a reply almost immediately, and Percy grinned, letting go of her previous thoughts.


New York City, 12:00 PM EST (UTC-4:00)

Percy slumped back in the booth, sipping her water mindlessly as she stared out the window at the passerby. Being back in New York always relaxed her, the constant movement of the city soothing her nerves. Outside, civilians walked briskly past each other, talking on the phone or listening to music, paying attention only to themselves. Percy kicked her legs up on the opposite side and leaned her head against the glass, trailing her gaze over the skyline.


A smooth voice interrupted her musings and Percy scrambled to sit up straight, snatching her legs off the bench.

Diana Prince's electric blue eyes danced with amusement and Percy shot her cousin a lopsided smile. The woman slid into the seat across from her as Percy greeted her and pushed the other glass of water toward her.

"You are lucky I was in the area," Diana smiled softly.

"UN summit, right?" Percy confirmed, tilting her head, "How's work?"

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