✩ Chapter Fourteen: Strategizing

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⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ Authors Note (12/13/23): After a terrible writers block, and rewriting this chapter a billion times, I'm back!!! Very unedited (12/14/23: Fixed) but will get to that after work.

⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ I unpublished the OG version of this chapter because I wrote it with a lot of plot holes so hopefully this makes more sense lol

⚠️CONTENT WARNINGS⚠️: Mina and her sex jokes.

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"Okay so game plan?" Mina asks as Y/n nods before remembering something crucial to what Mina just suggested.

"I have to call Ushijima! Apparently he has some dirt on Hana..."

"That makes everything so much better...CALL HIM!" Mina hollers playfully handing Y/n's phone to her.

Y/n scrolls through her contacts clicking on Ushijima🏐

She clicks the call button.

It takes a few rings for him to pick up the phone.

"Hello." Ushijima greets.

"Hey Ushijima, Mina's with me right now, is that okay?" Y/n asks just to make sure.

"Yeah, that's fine. Hello Mina, how was your date?" Ushijima asks nonchalantly.

"Good, show-stopping, straight out of a movie, but this isn't about me, what dirt do you have on the bitch?" Mina says bluntly, face painted with a smirk.

"Don't be rude." Y/n swats Mina with a death glare.

Mina winces, murmuring an apology.

"Oh, you mean Hana?" Ushijima asks, catching Y/n and Mina completely off guard at the fact that he automatically assumed "bitch" would be Hana.

The girls cackle in unison.

"Yes, Hana." Y/n giggles.

"Glad my assumptions were correct." Ushijima jokes, he continues.

"The other day, Reon was filming a promotional recruitment video for the upcoming first years regarding the boys volleyball team and accidentally recorded Hana and Eiji in the background as he was talking..." Ushijima starts but then gets interrupted by Mina.

"So... Do we have to edit it or something to make it seem like they were breaking the schools honor code? I know a guy!" Mina suggests making Y/n giggle once again.

"There's more to it, isn't there Ushijima?" Y/n sighs humorously.

"There is. Here, let me send you two the video, I feel like you two would be able to have a better viewpoint on it." Ushijima says, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"Okie dokie!" The girls chorus.

Y/n's phone vibrates as they open the incoming video Ushijima sent.

"It's sent."

New Notification From: Ushijima🏐!

Y/n clicks on the video he sent and boy do they have something in store.

The girls are introduced with a video of Reon looking very enthusiastic, clad with various medals and trophies boasting (humbly) about how excellent their volleyball program is.

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