✩ Chapter Ten: Friday

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⚠️CONTENT WARNINGS⚠️: Nonconsensual actions (Kissing without consent) and body shaming.

✩ Long chapter!! Grab water and snacks and enjoy all the drama!

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Y/n wakes up to her usual alarm and stops it, seeing that she's still on the phone with Ushijima.

"Ushijima? Hey, you up?" Y/n spoke groggily to her phone. 

She heard groaning on the line assuming it's Ushijima.

"I'm awake, good morning L/n." He spoke deeply, his morning voice present.

"God damn." Y/n thinks to herself about his morning voice.

"Good morning! I'm gonna start getting ready, see you at school!" Y/n yawns ending the call so she can get ready.

Y/n was feeling lazy so she just wore her hair down today, not feeling like putting in the effort.

She put on her uniform and starts heading downstairs to eat breakfast when she hears knocking on her front door

Y/n opens the door revealing a very tired Mina.

"Good morning sunshine." Y/n deadpans.

"Yeah, morning." Mina curtly says, walking to Y/n's kitchen to eat breakfast with her.

They do this everyday whether they sleepover at each-other's houses or not. It's their pre-school ritual.

They start eating and to Y/n's surprise Mina starts talking about what's going on with her and Tendo.

"I'm sorry I'm so bitchy, I was up all night thinking about stuff..." Mina says apologetic, yet drowsy.

"Thinking about what?" Y/n says whilst stuffing her face with her breakfast.

"Tendo, I've been thinking about Tendo... I really like him Y/n." Mina admits, sighing.

"I knew it!" Y/n exclaims with her mouth full.

"Ew, stop talking with food in your mouth!" Mina says disgusted.

Y/n swallows.

  "My bad, I forgot you're weird with that." Y/n giggles slightly.

"Wait, how'd you know? Did you see us?!" Mina squeals.

"No, I just assumed. Wait... What do you mean by that?" Y/n smirks knowingly.

"Nothing!" Mina says.

"Okay, I'll stop teasing." Y/n giggles.

"We just have been growing close, I just really like him...I want to be his girlfriend." Mina breathes.

"Then just ask him out." Y/n drones casually.

"It's not that simple! I don't even know if the feeling is mutual!" Mina says exasperatedly.

"Well, how does he act around you?" Y/n asks.

"He's very touchy with me, he likes to put his arm around me and touch my hair...When we're alone of course." Mina word vomits.

"He definitely likes you Mina. Do you want him to do those things in front of people, like in a PDA type of way?" Y/n suggests slightly cringing, she's not a fan of public affection but if Mina is she'll root for her.

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