✩ Chapter Two: Death Upon the Volleyboys

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⚠️CONTENT WARNING⚠️: Emetophobia (mentions puking/gagging)

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Coach Ryu heads towards you and the Volleyboys first knowing that the boys still have even more practice after this.

"Okay, Y/n I know you're already well aware, but to these newbies this isn't going to be easy by any means. This is what your coach wanted, I unfortunately don't have too much freedom here, I would make it easier, promise" He says pained yet still chipper.

You just start to zone out his whole pep talk cause you already went down that rabbit hole with coach.

"So basically you're going to do 10 200s mile pace with 30 second rest in between each rep, 6 400s 800m pace, minute rest in between each rep, 2 800s mile pace just like the 200s with a minute rest, and then 6 400s, same thing as I said earlier, and then 10 200s. After you're going to do a mile cool down, very slow because your legs are going to feel like jello"

As expected, the volleyboys gawk at him so you dumb it down so they can get a better understanding.

"Okay so 10 200s that's half of the track, not even one lap. Do it kinda fast but not too fast, in total, that's 5 total laps you're gonna be running." You state simply.

They nod so you continue.

"6 400s, one lap around the track, 6 total laps. Fast but not to the point where you're sprinting but to the point where you'll be slightly out of breath"

They nod again, this time looking terrified.

"We're not even halfway done!" You laugh as they laugh as well, pained.

"Anyways, 2 800s, two laps around the track, 4 laps total. Kinda speedy but yet you're still pacing yourself, this is when your legs will start to feel heavy."

They just start groaning at this point.

"And then you go back down the ladder with the 400s and 200s and then you just have to cool down!"

"Thank you Y/n! you're the best, literally." Coach winks at you. (not creepily)

The Volleyboys are now going through the 5 stages of grief...

"Nope! This is not happening, nope!" Tendo shrieks...
Stage one: Denial

"What the fuck is wrong with coach, what the fuck is wrong with L/n!" Semi yells hushed.... Stage two: Anger

"It can't be that bad, right?" Ushijima says to himself...
Stage 3: Bargaining

"Kill me now" Goshiki weeps....
Stage 4: Depression

"Well, it is what it is boys." Reon states, accepting his fate...
Stage 5: Acceptance

You laugh as expected.

"Did you assume this would be easy just because I'm the only girl training with the boys?" You declair confidently.

Spoiler: All their sexist expectations sprint out the door after Y/n's workout.

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