-"Can't get rid of me that easy."- 🥀

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Tw: gunshot, blood
It was a normal mission for task force 141. Get in, grab info, get out. Although, fate had another idea.

3rd person PoV:
Ghost had been paired with Soap for this mission, so the two stalked through the halls extremely carefully. Or so they thought. Ghost led the charge, gliding through the halls, his Scottish counterpart, however, was a bit loud.

"Could you keep the noise down Sergeant?" Ghost hissed at the smaller man.

"You think I'm doing this on purpose? This new gear isn't exactly easy to move around in!" Soap attempted to straighten his vest, only make more noise in the the process.

"Just, hold still." Ghost held Soap by his shoulders, fixing his vest for him.

"Thank Si, I can always count on you." Soap gave a warm smile as they began to move through the halls once more.

Ghost rounded a corner, Soap in tow, doors lined the hall, debris scattered everywhere, plenty of hiding spots. The roof was caved in, letting rain to pour through

"Something doesn't feel right." Soap looked around scanning for any sort of movement, his gear rustling as he did.

"What? Does this place give off a vibe that you don't like?" Ghost joked, nudging the Scott with his elbow.

"I'm not poking fun here lieutenant, something is wrong." Soap had a sort of worried expression, his eyes darting around nervously, his breath shaking. This was the type of expression that said "we shouldn't be here."

"John, you're starting to worry me..." Ghost 's voice a small bit of terror in it as he held Soap's shoulder.

Before either of the two could get another word out, a dark figure rounded a corner, gun drawn.

"Simon, Get down!" Soap shoved Ghost to the ground as a shot rang out

Blood splattered across Ghost's view and Johnny fell to the ground, collapsing whilst clutching at the wound in his chest

"Johnny!" Ghost swears he saw red. He picked up the one of his throwing knives and hit the dark figure square in the forehead, blood splattered onto the ground as the figure collapsed and Ghost rushed back to Soap

"John? Johnny can you hear me?" Ghost hoisted the smaller man onto his lap and held him, the wound in his chest almost invisible in the darkness, but the red spreading slowly through his uniform was anything but.

"Simon..?" Soap's weak voice called out.

"I'm here mate, I'm here." Ghost had wet spots starting to form below his eyes on his balaclava. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, washing his eye-black away.

"You know any medical?" Johnny wheezed out "I think the bullet hit a rib..."

"I know a bit, but it's best to leave the professionals to do it." Ghost let out a sigh of relief, his arms holding the sergeant close. Ghost turned to his radio "This is bravo 0-7 requesting medical, Soap's hit, I repeat, Soap's hit."

"Medical approved, a medic will be waiting at the extraction point in the heli."

"Hear that John? You'll be okay. Let's hurry up and get you out of here." Ghost picked up Soap and sprinted down the hall, to the outside.

"Stop jostling me around so much, it hurts" John looked up at Ghost through half lidded eyes, clutching onto Ghost's vest.

"I know it hurts, just hang on-"

"You've got real nice eyes Lt." Soap smiled out at Ghost, a sort of half smile you only get from people being sarcastic or super tired.

"I- huh?" Ghost kept running but was a tad bit confused "you're dying, and you compliment my eyes?"

"I ain't dying." Johns chuckles "All of this heavy gear came in handy after all, slowed the bullet, I think it only tapped my ribs."

"That's still pretty bad John." Ghost kicked in the door to the outside and made a break for the extraction point, the weakened Sergeant in his arms.

"Not bad enough to kill me." Soap laughed, keeping pressure on the wound

"You can't get rid of me that easy."


AHHHH!! First one done! I know I might suck, this is my first ever story. I am open to any suggestions for future one shots!

-Your writer, Raven


Little SoapGhost oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon