Vogue Interview

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AN// I did this for my last book so I just thought, why not... 🤷🏽‍♀️ I was contemplating whether I wanted to do it at the end of DREA or here, but it makes sense here since DREA is a whole other book to itself with a different story and a different timeline. So, enjoy!!!

Sierra whisked into the living room, stopping before the couch where the others were lounging, watching TV. The kids were at school, the babies napping. Sloane and Grace looked up at her with quizzical faces.

Emilie glared. "And you're blocking the TV because...?"

Sierra grinned, unable to hide her excitement. "Vogue wants an interview!"

Grace blinked. Steph blinked. Emilie rolled her eyes. "No! Tell them to piss off."

"But baby," Sierra pouted, making her way to the other blonde. Emilie lay on her belly, her head resting on Grace's lap. The brunette combed through her hair in soft movements. Sierra sat in the curve of her lower back, straddling her. Then she was lowering herself until their bodies pressed together. Emilie didn't react, used to the torment. "It's Vogue!" She said as if that answered everything. When Emilie didn't budge she continued. "They just want to follow up after the wedding. It's been six months into married life. We have a new baby and a new daughter..."

"We could address those idiots who want to "apply" for a spot in our marriage," Sloane adds with an eye roll.

Grace scuffs. "If we can shut it down then yes please."

Sierra nods at her. "YES! See,"

Emilie grumbled. "When do they want to meet?"

"Next Tuesday."

"I'm busy."

"I already check your schedules. We're all free"

"I'll be busy. Whatever time is it they want to meet that's the time I'm going to need to use the toilet."

Sierra ignored her. "...and Ms. Chappelle and Mrs. Grey agreed to babysit."

Sloane chuckled. "And you worked out all of this when?"

"Five minutes ago." Grace shook  her head. "What? If I'm going to sell my case, I have to have all my evidence, facts and proposals. She taught me that." She finishes, pressing a kiss to Emilie's cheek.

The older blonde wiped it off. "I regret the day you ever were my intern."

Sierra only beamed, getting off the blonde to sit next to Sloane. The redhead's head found her shoulder instantly and Sierra pulled her into an embrace. "So, we're doing the interview?"

"Yeah, sure." They all muttered.

Tuesday, June 8th, 2021

"Come on, Steph, let's go. They're calling for us!" Sierra begs, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Coming! I'm touching up my make-up."

"You've been touching up your makeup the last five minutes!" Grace complains.

"They'll do it backstage." Sierra tries again when the door still hasn't opened.

"Sloane!" Emilie growls, the undertone in her voice, warning.

The moment the word left her throat the door opened. Skin flushed, the redhead emerges, standing in the opened doorway. The other three stood speechless, confused about what the fuss about imperfect make-up was about. She was perfect, pretty. No, beautiful. At least they thought so. Every one of them.

She wore a two-piece garden team patchwork outfit. The fabric choice was all the same throughout, the designs varied from a gorgeous peacock print to an ensemble of golden flowers on a black  base to tiny white polka dots on a navy blue base. It was genius.

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